‘Coward’ Labour MP stages protest against monarchy during signing in | Politics | News

The Labour MP for Norwich South staged a shocking protest in the House of Commons yesterday (Wednesday, July 10) when he was sworn in. Clive Lewis MP, who has represented Norwich South since 2015 expressed his hopes for a British republic, as opposed to the current monarchic system.

The UK Parliament reports that members of both Houses of Parliament are required by law to take an oath of allegiance to the Crown. MPs cannot take their seat, speak in debates, vote or receive a salary until taking the oath or affirmation. They could also be fined £500 and have their seat declared vacant “as if they were dead” if they attempted to do so.

The same rule applies to Members of the Lords.

So this being said, it was a controversial move when Mr Lewis took his moment to swear in, as an opportunity to speak out against the idea of a monarchy. Mr Lewis tweeted about the incident, explaining: “To be sworn in as an MP, you have to make an oath to the King. This is what I decided to say, in protest.”

In the video the Socialist Campaign Group member shared of himself taking the oath, he said: “I take this oath under protest, and in the hope that one day my fellow citizens will democratically decide to live in a republic. Until that time, I do solemnly, sincerely and truly declare and affirm that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to His Majesty King Charles, according to law.”

You can watch the full video below:

Mr Lewis’s actions were not without consequence however. He came under fire on X – being called a ‘coward’ and a ‘disgrace’ by some, others accused him of ‘virtue signalling’.

‘Protect_ServeUK’ wrote: “I’m sorry if you can’t do this properly you should be marched out, and told that until such time as you can, then you’re not an MP. Imagine police officers doing this during their oath of office’s ceremonies. Disgusting.”

Melanie Cycles replied to the post: “Meaningless virtue signalling. Either refuse to do it and stand by your actual convictions, or just do it as it should be done. But this isn’t a protest it’s empty posturing and virtue signalling.”

Not everyone agreed however, with some calling the mp ‘iconic’.

One person, Harvey, said: “The responses to this was so weird. Be a monarchist all you like, no need to insult Clive Lewis for disagreeing with you. Frankly, the opinion of a single backbencher shouldn’t affect you that much.”

Vik also replied: “Incredible comments under this. An MP expressing a political opinion and communicating it to the voting public while also clearly expressing loyalty to the head of state is merely “posturing” and “shouldn’t be an MP”. Do the public know what politics is?”

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