Cleaner shares little-known task everybody must do once a week

Whether you find cleaning the house satisfying or loathe doing it, you can’t deny that it can eat up a lot of time.

And because of this, there are certain tasks that can be overlooked, sometimes for months at a time.

But now, one expert on social media has lifted the lid on something you probably forget to do around the house – and it should actually be done once a week for the best results.

Thankfully though, it’s very simple, and only requires a few products that you probably already have in your cupboards.

The hack was shared on TikTok by Kaye Marie, a cleaning influencer boasting more than 431k loyal followers thanks to her easy-to-follow tips and advice for a tidy and organised home.

She has issued a stark reminder that your hairbrushes need frequent cleaning in order to prevent greasy hair.

However, she admitted that it wasn’t always something she remembered to do – but it’s hugely important if you want to keep your brushes free of hair, dirt and germs.

Ideally, she says you should aim to do this once a week for the best results. And thankfully, it’s not a complicated job either, and doesn’t require much effort at all.

She said: “If your hair is feeling a lot greasier than usual and you’re needing to wash it more, it’s probably because your hairbrush is dirty and you need to clean it.”

To start with, grab a tail comb and use it to pick out any hair that has gathered on your brush, as this’ll help you to give it a good deep clean.

Then, fill up a basin or sink with warm water and add in your brushes, making sure that the bristle side is in the water.

Add in a generous splash of white vinegar and top it up with boiling water from the kettle for an extra good clean. Kaye said: “This is going to help budge all the nasties.

“Then add in a shampoo of your choice. People do say add a clarifying shampoo but honestly you don’t need one. Shampoo is going to ensure all the bristles are clean on the brush, it also helps loosen all the hair.”

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