Keir Starmer might have saved himself — if he hadn’t made this mistake | Politics | News

I’ve just come back to Britain after 10 days’ holiday in Greece and it feels like the world has exploded. Or to be more precise it feels like Kier Starmer’s has.

A bloke who just three months ago many were hailing as the socialist Messiah who was going to race to the rescue of Britain’s most vulnerable has shown that he doesn’t give a stuff about those people – only himself and the perks and money (£100,000 worth of freebies so far) – that power brings.

He’s also been exposed as a liar, a hypocrite, a man who says one thing and does another. He’s been shown to be grasping and greedy. He has disgracefully used his teenage son as a shield to protect him from accusations of cronyism.

He’s lied about where he’s living and he’s using his power as Prime Minister to personally benefit from obscene donations from a billionaire in whose pocket he appears to reside.

As for his mantra – that he’s in politics to serve – well that has crashed and burned with lightning speed as it’s clear the only person being served is himself. He’s presiding over a cheap, shoddy, greedy cabinet that after just two months has been written off as corrupt and incompetent and the integrity and principle which he told us he embodied has been shown to be a sham.

Has there ever been a PM whose reputation has gone down the toilet as quickly as Starmer’s? Has there ever been ANY party leader who has fallen from grace quite so completely and so quickly.

Because while people might eventually have forgiven the clothes, the posh penthouse, the Arsenal football box what they will never forgive is his cruel and abject betrayal of Britain’s pensioners.

Even his union paymasters are disgusted and many are screaming that Labour should be defunded. Even if he had rowed back on the decision to slash the Winter Fuel Payments and apologised to pensioners – many Labour supporters (if there any left) might have forgiven him. But he didn’t.

He actually doubled down on his cruelty and his determination to take money out of the pockets of tens of thousands of skint old people this winter. This is despite an analysis by the consultancy, Policy in Practice, which has revealed that slashing the Winter Fuel Payment would save only half of what Rachel Reeves claimed it would (£1.4B) because of increased claims for pension credits.

So pensioners WILL freeze to death this winter because this Government which gives billions in foreign aid, billions to migrants who have contributed nothing to Britain, billions to foreign climate projects, all to save a measly 700M quid.

Their lives aren’t worth even that piddling amount to this joke of a socialist Government. And now Rosie Duffield has resigned, the fastest MP to jump ship in modern political history. You’ll remember Rosie as the MP who bravely spoke out about Labour’s lunatic transgender policies. And in return for her courage in speaking out for vulnerable women and girls, people in her own party bullied, abused and ostracised her.

They’re still doing it even though Duffield personifies the courage and principle they lack. But as she made clear she could no longer work for a PM who, she says, has a problem with women or for a government “that is more interested in greed and power than making a difference.”

In her resignation letter to Starmer she said: “The sleaze, the nepotism and apparent avarice are off the scale. I am so ashamed of what you and your inner circle have done to tarnish and humiliate our once proud party.”

And Rosie Duffield speaks for millions of staunch, loyal Labour voters who have waited 14 long years and allowed themselves to be excited about their party getting back into government.

Now, like Duffield, those people are ashamed. They don’t recognise THIS Labour party under the fraud that is Starmer. He has betrayed them all.

And rumours are rife things are going to get very much worse for Starmer this week. And while I don’t care what happens to him I DO care what happens to this country. I DO care about the devastated people who mistakenly put their trust in him – and the rest of us who didn’t because we’re all going to suffer at his cack hand.

I heard someone say this week that maybe we have to elect a Labour Government every now and then to remind us all how stupid they are. But what this mob has done is way too important to laugh off as a joke.

I used to think Starmer’s biggest crime was that he was dull and boring. Now I see that him, and his thick-as-mince cabinet, are a real danger to this country, its reputation and its people.

And I’m scared……..

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