Chris Kaba murder trial shows British justice system can side with mob | Politics | News

I’ve said much this week about the acquittal of Sgt Martyn Blake and the travesty that Chris Kaba’s violent gang have put a £10,000 bounty on his head.

You all know the story by now – after two agonising years, Sgt Blake was finally acquitted on the trumped up charge of murder which was brought for purely political reasons by the CPS and the IOPC who were terrified of the backlash from the black community if they didn’t. And they did that knowing that Sgt Blake shot this violent gangster – who’d been involved in other shootings – because he believed his colleagues to be in mortal danger.

So, without a shred of real evidence, these cowards threw Martyn Blake’s life to the wolves and put him on trial for murder which is a stain on this country’s once respected justice system.

So is this how it’s going to be in the future? Are we going to pander to the black community when certain sections of it demand revenge every time a person of colour is killed? Do we put innocent people on trial with no evidence just to satisfy frothing-at-the-mouth race activists who take to the streets shouting “police are racist scum.”

Is there now always to be the presumption that when a black or brown person is stopped by the police for anything, there’s racist intent and the person of colour involved is a total innocent?

And how could the Mayor of our capital city, Sadiq Khan, who has some responsibility for policing in London have made public statements before Martyn Blake’s trial about how devastated the community was about “Chris’s” death – like he was some lovely bloke who was just in the wrong place at the wrong time when in fact he was a violent gangster who’d shot people.

Khan talked about the anger and pain it had caused to the community before the trial and even AFTER Blake’s acquittal he was still banging on about it without saying a single word about the anger and pain Sgt Blake and his family had been through. If all that wasn’t prejudicial to Martyn Blake God knows what is.

Yes, in the past the police have had a bad rep regarding racism (and lots of other things) and much work has been done to put that right. But cops cannot be in the position where they can’t accuse, pursue, or arrest people of colour for fear of being branded racist.

We cannot have the situation where every time a black member of the community is challenged by police, it’s branded racism.

Fact – black and brown people DO commit serious crimes and our police must not be hampered from challenging or arresting them. Ditto white people.

I get why Kaba’s family don’t want to accept the ugly truth about their son. But those activists who took to the streets after the Not Guilty verdict screaming racism – what’s their excuse? Did they want an innocent man like Sgt Blake to be convicted of murder to satisfy THEIR prejudices?

They were chanting support for a violent thug who’d have been on trial for attempted murder had he lived, a man who’d been involved in at least TWO shootings and had numerous weapons convictions. They were making him out to be a hero and a martyr when he was neither.

Those activists screaming about injustice should think about the injustice served up to Martyn Blake for purely political reasons by a justice system that exists to protect him but chose instead to side with the mob.

And maybe they should understand that not everything is about race. It can just be about crime and violent criminals who have to be stopped to protect the rest of us – whatever their skin colour.

Sadly, we now have a cowed, weaselly justice system which is making that impossible.


A headline in a newspaper this week screamed: “Read the real reason Coleen (Rooney) is off to the jungle.”

I didn’t read the story because it’s obvious why she’d want to fly off to the cockroach, critter infested jungle for three weeks with a bunch of people she’ll probably hate – to get away from old potato face Wayne.

Friends say that Coleen feels she can finally trust the drunken, womaniser she married 16 years ago so he can now go off and do her own thing.

Or maybe she’s just decided that because Wayne no longer plays footie and these days he looks like an exploding sofa, he’s no longer a target for the groupies?


Angelina Jolie is going to great lengths to keep her new romance with 40-year-old rapper, Akala, secret. Security teams are smuggling them in and out of hotels, they’re arriving separately at functions and gigs, they’re travelling in separate cars and using secret entrances into places.

The pair of them need to chill out. No-one’s actually bothered. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Thick-as-mince footballer Kyle Walker says he’s stunned his wife, Annie Kilner, has filed for divorce. Really?

He’s had a fling with a mystery model betraying both pregnant Annie, with whom he’ll soon have had four kids AND mistress Lauryn Goodman with whom he’s had two. Now he’s cheating on them both with a model.

I know Walker’s bereft of brain cells but surely even he gets it?


Farmer Neil Greenwood hogtied two thugs who were trespassing on his land and dumped them at his local police station. He’d called the cops and when they didn’t come, he threw the lads onto his quad bike and took them to the station himself.

And of course, in woke, lawless Britain guess who got arrested – Yep, the farmer.

But why? He made a citizen’s arrest because these louts were on his land and maybe if the cops had come quicker, he wouldn’t have had to do anything.

One of the boy’s mothers says she’s baffled by the farmer’s extreme reaction. I’m not. Her no-mark son and his mate shouldn’t have been on private land: “They were frightened to death,” she wailed.

Good, then they won’t do it again.

And the police should be very careful what they do with Neil Greenwood because in the nation’s eyes he’s a hero. He’s as frustrated as the rest of us living in a country where the yobs rule while the cops stand by and do nothing. And when that happens people – rightly or wrongly – take the law into their own hands! ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Yes, it was too soon after Liam Payne’s death for TV’s Michael Buerk to describe him as a “drugged up, faded boy band singer who fell off a balcony”.

But the TV veteran was questioning the news value of the star’s death which was splattered over TV and newspapers for days.

And he’s right to question it. It was total overkill. Yes Payne’s death is tragic for his family and his fans but he WAS a faded boy band singer who was as rich as God and had been afforded more than his fair share of life’s opportunities which he squandered.

So, it was hard to understand why, when the world is in such a perilous state, this story of a wasted life that was brimming with success, money and opportunities should have hi-jacked the news agenda for as long as it did.


So just who were the brain-dead Labour clowns who thought sending a 100-strong bunch of raggedy, Leftie activists to America to help get Kamala Harris get to the Whitehouse would make the slightest difference to the election result? These people couldn’t persuade people here to cross the road let alone change our vote. And if anything, their cack-handed interference will help Trump romp home.

And forget all this rubbish about how Labour’s been doing this for years – not when it’s been in Government it hasn’t and it’s never before been organized by the Party’s Operations boss – in this case Sofia Patel.

Trump is right – this is direct intervention by a foreign government to help rig the U.S. election. Imagine if 100 Russian or Chinese activists landed at Heathrow to persuade us to vote for the “right” person.

And who are the morons here who thought peeing off the bloke who’s likely to be the next president was a good idea? Our relationship with the U.S. is THE most important relationship we have in the world in terms of our security, intelligence and finance. Putting us in a position where the new president is likely to say to us: “Go stick your head up a dead bear’s backside” and then sue us for electoral interference wasn’t a smart move.

This is a monumental political cock up which shows this country is being governed by a bunch of inexperienced dopes. Starmer’s currently crawling on his belly to make it up to Trump but as long as Lammy remains Foreign Secretary (he called Trump “a dangerous clown” and a “racist KKK Nazi sympathizer”) this country will be cast into the wilderness.


Rachel Reeves first told us we had a £22B black hole, then it was £40B. Now there’s talk of a £100B one. So, what’s the collective noun for a lot of black holes – none of which exist obviously.

We should make one up – it’s what the Queen of Thieves does.


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