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Keir Starmer proves he doesn’t care about UK farms and wants to end them | Politics | News

Keir Starmer has proven he doesn’t care about UK farms (Image: PA)

So, now we discover this woke bunch of virtue-signalling bandits we call a Government – which Jeremy Clarkson has accused of seeking to “ethnically cleanse the countryside of farmers and carpet bomb it with wind farms” – is trying to destroy British farmers whilst sending multi-millions every year to help foreign farmers.

Yep, at the same time it’s trying to shaft skint farmers here, AND putting our food security in danger, Starmer is sending hundreds of millions to bankroll farming projects in places like Brazil (the world’s 11th richest nation), Africa, Asia and South America.

It actually beggars belief! So Starmer doesn’t care if supermarket shelves here are empty and farmers aren’t able to produce the food we need to feed our nation, he cares more about the problems farmers are facing in Brazil?

What the hell happened to putting Britain and British farmers first? Why do we have a government that’s at war with farmers here but is willing to chuck money at agricultural productivity abroad? It’s a twisted sense of priorities that will wreck not just the countryside but the whole country.

Steve Reed, the ridiculous Environment Secretary who knows nothing about the countryside or agriculture (his seat is Streatham and Croydon North), had the brass neck to talk AT farmers this week saying he understood their anguish. The hell he does! He’s an urbanite who, before being MP for Streatham, was a pillar at Lambeth Council. What he knows about rural affairs can be written on the back of a fag packet.

Ditto for everyone else in government because they’ve never set foot outside their metropolitan urban bubble and know sod-all about rural communities or farming.

But why do the Left here despise farmers so much? Is it because, as one Labour MP this week said, “They don’t vote for us”?

Is it because Labour sees the countryside NOT as a place that makes money, provides jobs and produces the nation’s food but as a place where it can build huge housing estates and stick up stick up pylons all of which they believe will hack off those they see as the middle class “huntin’ shootin’ and fishin” brigade which they despise?

No-one in this government has a background in rural politics or farming. And they can’t buy a book on it because it takes a lifetime to learn.

The pink-haired transport secretary Louise Haigh hilariously said she was confident that, if farmers did go on strike, the Government was perfectly able to take care of food security. Hah! These shambolic clowns couldn’t take care of a you-know-what in a brewery, let alone our food security. With this lot in charge we’ll all starve to death.

The farmers of this country feel utterly betrayed by this government. And they have every right to. These are hardworking people who don’t languish on benefits, who don’t drone on about mental health problems, who aren’t looking for an easy life. They just want to carry on rising at dawn to work the land and to do what generations before them have done – feed the country.

Before the election the hypocrite Starmer told the NFU’s annual conference in Birmingham that, if he won, he’d introduce a “new relationship with the countryside and farming communities” based on “respect and genuine partnership”. Another barefaced lie.

Instead of “respecting” farmers, he’s s*** on them from a great height and started an all-out war where the only losers will be the British people when we’re fighting to try and get food!


Hannah Ingram-Moore is a piece of work (Image: PA)

Hannah Ingram-Moore is a piece of work. She and her husband Colin pocketed over £1.5million from the company they set up supposedly in honour of Hannah’s dad, and our national hero, Captain Sir Tom, who walked 100 laps around his garden raising £38million for the NHS. And if he were alive today, I’m sure this honourable man would be ashamed at what his greedy, grasping daughter and her husband have done with money made on the back of his good name.

The Charity Commission this week said this devious couple “misled” people who happily bought into the Captain Tom phenomenon. They did a damn sight more than that. They betrayed the trust of the British people who saw Sir Tom as a beacon of light and goodness in a cynical world.

Captain Sir Tom was a hero, the very best of Britain. His desperate-for-fame, greedy daughter is the very worst. She and her husband clearly saw the money made in Sir Tom’s name as a way to enhance their own lives (they built a luxury spa at their home). Sir Tom saw what he did as a way to help others.

And what these two have done is now likely to make people suspicious of giving to worthy causes in case it ends up in the back pockets of money-grubbers like them!


The CPS has dropped the case against journalist Allison Pearson. She has come out of this debacle as a courageous heroine of free speech. Essex Police – and particularly its boss BJ Harrington – have come out of it looking like a bunch of spiteful, bullying vindictive dopes who have no clue what an actual crime is. The force is now being investigated for its handling of the case. Let’s hope BJ Harrington pays the price for this lunacy!


The world’s most expensive piece of fruit (Image: AFP via Getty)

The world’s most expensive piece of fruit – a banana duct-taped to a wall – has just sold for £4.9million at Sotheby’s in New York. Millionaire Justin Sun, who bought the “art work” called Comedian, has also bought a certificate of authenticity that gives him the authority to duct tape a banana to any wall, anywhere and call it Comedian.

Says Sun: “The piece represents a cultural phenomenon that bridges the worlds of art, memes and the cryptocurrency community.”

No it doesn’t, you fool. It’s a banana stuck to a wall – a banana that was bought on the day of auction for 28 pence. You have to wonder how a gullible eejit like Sun got to be so rich.


Eva Longoria has ditched ‘scary’ USA (Image: Getty)

Former Desperate Housewife Eva Longoria made a big deal of saying she now lives between Spain and Mexico because the US has become “a dystopian and scary place” after Trump’s win. But it wasn’t scary enough to stop her missing a star-studded Women in Hollywood event this week.

Now, having been made to look silly, she’s backtracking and saying she didn’t leave because of Trump. I’m guessing the real reason she’s now living in Mexico is because her husband is Mexican. Why don’t these Hollywood dollies keep out of politics and just do what they do best – look good.


Justin Welby, who still hasn’t said when he’ll properly step down as Archbishop of Canterbury or vacate Lambeth Palace, attended a British museum dinner just ONE day after he resigned in disgrace for his part in the Church’s worst ever sex abuse scandal.

The man’s arrogance and delusion is towering. He obviously still thinks he’s done nothing wrong and can retain his place among the great and the good believing his reputation to be untarnished. Well it isn’t. It’s shot to pieces and, if he had a shred of decency, he’d never show his face in public again.

You’d think the ruined lives of the 150 boys the monster, John Smythe abused (and which Welby did nothing to stop) would weigh on his conscience forever!

Clearly not.


The Left keep telling us they’re leaving Twitter (X) because they no longer have a voice. No, they’re leaving because the Right finally has one too – and it’s drowning them out.


John Prescott, 86, who died of Alzheimer’s this week, was grumpy, irascible and pretty damn wonderful. I interviewed him a few times and our exchanges were always frank and furious – especially after I’d changed my allegiance from Labour to Tory.

But I always respected Prescott. He was a man who was determined to get things done, he didn’t suffer fools and he wouldn’t play political games like others did. He was also vital to Tony Blair’s New Labour government because he kept the Old Labour guard on side. Blair generously said: “He reached voters I couldn’t.”

Prescott once said “After 50 years in politics all they’ll show on the news is me thumping a fellow in Wales.” Not true John. Not true!


How can it be that it costs a whopping £1.65 to send a First Class Christmas card, and that it would be cheaper for people to take a return-flight to countries like Italy, Germany and Albania to post them there?

How the hell are pensioners and people on low incomes supposed to afford £1.65. Just four years ago, a First Class stamp was 76p, now it’s more than double that. The fact is we’re all being ripped off by the hopeless Royal Mail which has the brass neck to say it’s fought hard to keep prices as low as possible. No, it hasn’t. It’s trying everything in its power to phase out postal deliveries and in the process it’s wrecking the Christmas card business.

Let’s just hope the sale of Royal Mail to Czech billionaire Daniel Kretinsky happens soon. He couldn’t do worse than the clowns currently running the show.

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