Best Santa tracker for iPhone, Android and your TV – how to track for free

It’s nearly Christmas Eve, which means Santa is about to start on his way to hand out gifts to millions all over the world. If you want to keep a close eye on where he has been and where is flying to next, there are a few ways to track Santa and his herd of reindeer across the skies.

You are able to tune in to Santa’s latest movements using your smartphone, PC or even your TV in the comfort of your living room.

Here are four of the best ways to track Santa today and see how long you have to wait until he needs to navigate his way down your chimney.

View Google’s Santa Tracker here


Google’s Santa tracker is one of the best online trackers every year, and 2024 is no different. It’s a feature-packed way to keep an eye on Santa’s progress. There’s an interactive map for Christmas Eve as well as tons of games and videos to keep you entertained from Elf Jetpak to Snowball Storm.

The Santa Selfie mini-game also lets you give Santa a blow dry and make over before he hits the skies.

You can even learn to code with Santa’s elves if you’re feeling particularly studious – it’ll be sure to pass the minutes until the man in red is due at your postcode!

As ever, the Google Santa Tracker is free to view on all web browsers including Google Chrome, Safari and Firefox. It’s best viewed on a big computer or laptop display.

Download the app for Android here

Download the app for iPhone or iPad here


To keep track of Santa you can get some help from space. Every year the very nice people at NORAD, (that’s the North American Aerospace Defence Command), hand over their state-of-the-art satellites to make sure millions can watch where the sleigh is heading next.

Believe it or not, NORAD Tracks Santa has been around in one form or another for more than 60 years. It’s still one of the most popular ways to watch Santa and his reindeer whizz around the globe.

Using the app for iPhone and iPad or Android, you’ll get a GPS location of Santa’s progress, with information on how far away he is from your home.

As well as via its official iOS and Android apps, US residents can call to track Santa using +1 (877) HI-NORAD.

FREE with Sky

If you have Sky Q, Sky Stream or Sky Glass in your home then you’re in luck, as you can watch Santa’s progress on the big screen using Sky’s special tracking tech.

Yoiu can find it in the Apps section of the Sky Menu.

Sky said its tracking starts on 23 December with a map of the live location of Santa and his reindeer. His mammoth trip across the globe begins at 10am sharp on Christmas Eve!

You can also access this tracker by grabbing your Sky remote control, pressing the voice search button and saying one of a number of phrases including “Where’s Santa?”; “Santa Tracker”; “Where’s Santa Tracker?”; “Where is Santa right now?”; “Follow Santa”; “Is Santa coming tonight?”

A full guide will then appear on your TV screen.

Here are some other things to ask your TV if you fancy getting festive.

• Santa, tell me your favourite Christmas cracker joke

• Santa, how does your Christmas day end?

• Santa, what are you doing now?

• Santa, what do you do in the summer holidays?

• Santa, what is your favourite music?

• Santa, how many elves do you have

• Santa, when will you get here?

• Santa, am I on the naughty list?

• Santa, how many mince pies have you eaten?

• Santa, will you come for Christmas dinner?

• Santa, what present am I getting?

• Santa, am I on the nice list?

FREE for iPhone

One of our favourite iPhone aeroplane tracker apps has got a special festive upgrade and can now be used to track Santa for 2024! Starting from 6am on Christmas Eve, you can use Plane Finder on iPhone or iPad to see where the man with all the presents is in the world.

His location and progress will display on the lock screen of your iPhone or iPad, but tapping the notification will open the app and show you where he is live on a map.

Though Plane Finder offers a subscription, it looks like the kind folks there are offering the Santa tracker for free, so all you have to do is download the app onto your device.

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