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Clean stained taps and stop limescale coming back with 2 natural items – not vinegar

If your taps are covered in a cloudy film or streaks that never seem to wipe away, then you likely have a limescale problem, but it is easy to fix. Limescale is the mineral deposits left over when water evaporates, and while it is completely harmless, it is known to cause incredibly stubborn stains that will not go away unless you use the right product.

Millie Fuller, an expert from Parker Howley, has shared that you do not have to spend money on a cleaner to get rid of limescale, as the best solution is sitting in your fruit bowl. She said: “You can use a fresh lemon to tackle the limescale. Simply cut it in half and push it onto the end of the tap.”

Limescale can be tricky to clean as it hardens over time and will cling stubbornly to a surface, so scrubbing at it is unlikely to make it budge. 

Lemons are one of the most effective ways to tackle limescale. The juice inside the fruit contains citric acid, a natural acidic substance that reacts to limescale. Citric acid breaks down the calcium and magnesium minerals that make up limescale, loosening the stains. 

How to use lemons to get rid of tap limescale stains

All you need to do is take a lemon and then slice it in half. It is much better to use a fresh lemon rather than a bottle of lemon juice, as the citric acid inside the fruit will be more potent. 

Then, wedge one of the lemon slices onto the tap sprout and make sure it stays put. You may need to use rubber bands to keep the lemon half in place. If you prefer, you can squeeze the lemon juice onto a cloth and wrap it around the tap instead. 

Leave the lemon or soaked cloth sitting on the sprout for a few hours, or ideally overnight, as this will give the citric acid time to break down the limescale. 

When the time is up, remove the lemon or soaked cloth and wipe your sink. The limescale should come away easily, and your sink sprout should be completely clean. 

How to prevent limescale in the future with baking paper 

Once your sink is clean, try rubbing it with a little bit of baking paper or wax paper, as it can help prevent limescale from accumulating on taps in the future. 

It may seem bizarre, but limescale can only form in a warm area near water, so you can prevent it by leaving a heatproof film on your taps. 

Millie said: “Wax paper is moisture-proof paper that is covered in paraffin wax, making it ideal for repelling water. On the other hand, baking paper is covered in silicon, which offers excellent heat resistance. 

“It’s the wax or silicone that leaves behind an invisible film that repels not only watermarks but also fingerprints. That’s why these products work exceptionally well in removing watermarks.”

This natural cleaning method will keep your taps clean for much longer, so you will have a gleaming sink that does not require scrubbing at the faucets.

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