Bright spark: what to wear for a Christmas lights switch-on

‘Shock of our lives’: Philippines reels as five major storms strike in three weeks | Philippines

Typhoon Yinxing tore off a quarter of Diana Moraleda’s tiled roof in Tuguegaro City in northern Philippines last week. The gaping hole was still there when Typhoon Toraji brought rains over the weekend and when Typhoon Usagi made landfall late on Thursday. “It’s difficult because many houses were devastated by [Yinxing]. The carpenters themselves are […]

Google fires 28 employees who protested its cloud contract with Israeli government

Google said on Thursday it has terminated 28 employees after some staff participated in protests against the company’s cloud contract with the Israeli government. The Alphabet unit said a small number of protesting employees entered and disrupted work at a few unspecified office locations. “Physically impeding other employees’ work and preventing them from accessing our facilities […]

Wind power: CSIRO asks Australians to chart their farts for research | Australia news

Smelly, thunderous, lingering or silent, Australians are being asked to log their farts for science. The CSIRO is hoping to capture flatulence data from tens of thousands of people, including frequency, stench, loudness and duration, to help researchers better understand the nation’s gut health. Dietician Megan Rebuli said some people found farts embarrassing and uncomfortable […]

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