Pale, porous and 3D-printed: inside the weird and wonderful quest to make compostable shoes | Recycling

Pale, porous and 3D-printed: inside the weird and wonderful quest to make compostable shoes | Recycling

The shoes may not immediately strike you as the future of mainstream fashion. Pale and porous, they resemble a cross between a beige Croc and the long-net stinkhorn fungus found on forest floors. Their creators, however, hope this will be the next huge breakthrough in sustainable footwear: the world’s first 3D printed, made-to-measure, compostable shoe, […]

France’s lower house votes to limit ‘excesses’ of fast fashion with environmental surcharge | France

France’s lower house of parliament has backed a string of measures to make low-cost fast fashion, especially items from Chinese mass producers, less attractive to buyers. Thursday’s vote makes France the first country in the world “legislating to limit the excesses of ultra fast fashion”, said Christophe Bechu, minister for the ecological transition. The measures […]

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