Popular 59p trick keeps towels ‘hotel-soft’ using just 2 household ingredients

Hotels are known for having fluffy, white towels that feel luxuriously soft and comforting after a hot bath.

It can be difficult to replicate the feeling at home with your own towels, especially if you’ve had them for a few years.

Hard water, friction, laundry softener, body oils, and incorrect drying can make towels turn cardboard-like and rough.

Now, a cleaning expert has shared a simple way to get “hotel-soft” towels using just two household items.

TikTok sensation @homewithleanne, who has 155,000 followers on the social media site, shared her “secret to hotel-soft towels at home”.

She said the “easy trick” involves swapping fabric softener for two items – white vinegar and bicarbonate of soda.

Firstly, Leanne adds one cup of bicarbonate of soda, also known as baking soda, to her washing machine drum with the towels.

She then adds half the amount of washing detergent she would usually use to the detergent drawer.

Next, she adds white vinegar instead of fabric softener to the conditioner drawer in her washing machine. Once added, she puts her washing machine on a 90C cycle.

Leanne’s washing machine has a “bulky” cycle, but it’s best to use whichever cycle you would normally use for your towels but at 90C.

To dry her towels, Leanne pops them in the tumble dryer with two wool tumbler dryer balls.

Tumble dryer balls can be purchased from Lakeland for £6.99 and John Lewis for £17.

Baking soda costs 59p at Sainsbury’s, and white vinegar costs 35p at Tesco.

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