New age limits on when children will be taught about sex education | Politics | News

children will not be taught sex education until they are aged nine under new plans set to be announced later this week.

According to The Times, schools will be told not to introduce any form of sex education into the classroom until children are in Year 5.

Education Secretary Gillian Keegan is also set to announce measures preventing children from being taught about gender identity changes and explicit sexual discussions until they reach the age of 13.

Furthermore, topics such as contraception, sexually transmitted infections, and abortion will not be introduced until this age.

This new guidance is reportedly a response to concerns that some children are receiving age-inappropriate relationships, sex, and health education (RSHE).

To alleviate these fears, schools will be required to provide parents with samples of the teaching materials.

RSHE became mandatory in all English schools from September 2020.

Current guidelines suggest primary school children should learn about different types of families and healthy relationships, while secondary school students cover more complex topics like puberty, sexual relationships, consent, unsafe relationships, and online harms.

The Prime Minister has ordered a review of the curriculum following concerns, including those raised by Conservative MPs, that children are being exposed to sex education at an excessively young age.

The Department for Education has declined to confirm these newspaper reports, stating it does not comment on leaks.

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