County cricket: Hampshire v Surrey, Lancashire v Warwicks, and more – live | County Championship

Key events

Tom Abell is back at the top of the order for Somerset, after picking up a hamstring tear during a pre-season game. But not for long as it turns out, bowled for four off the last ball of the first over. Ben Raine the man. Somerset 4-1. Not Potts for Durham today.


Weather watch

No play till at least lunch at Old Trafford or New Road, play everywhere else, with Somerset, Surrey, Essex, Derbyshire, Glamorgan, Sussex and Yorkshire having a bat.


Worcestershire return to play at New Road today for the first time since the terrible news of Josh Baker’s death. Here, Kevin Howells talks to Ashley Giles about Josh, climate challenges and the future of the club (which has a new ground sponsor – New Road becoming Visit Worcestershire New Road).

A story of climate challenge, tragic personal loss but overarching how ⁦@WorcsCCC⁩ has come together & will further forge their place in the game.
Good things happening & Ashley Giles talks us through what extra money in the club would mean to them.

— Kevin Howells (@kevinhowells100) May 23, 2024


And hello Tim Maitland!

”Once again I find myself mulling in the hour before plays starts – here in the subtropics it’s the lull after cooking food for the dogs and before preparing salads for humans – this time it’s the issue of how to fill the Jimmy-Anderson-and Stuart Broad-sized hole in England’s bowling line-up.

”No doubt the Bazball approach will be to find a brash tyro, fill him to the brim with confidence and then back him to the hilt. Lord knows that will probably work a million times better than the carousel of rejection that each new pretender to Alistair Cook’s crown stepped onto… but I can’t help wondering whether temporarily filling the immediate need with a seasoned pro like Surrey’s Dan Worrall who presumably won’t be crushed by the expectations might buy time to develop the next front line quick.

“Unless of course my instinct that the answer doesn’t lie in a combination of Woods, Woakes, a miraculously durable Joffra Archer and an even more remarkably dependable and responsible Ollie Robinson is wrong.”

I don’t think this England team do temporary fillings … it was quite fun when they did – Darren Pattinson anyone?


“Good morning Tanya.” Hello Finbar Anslow! “Just arrived horribly early at Bergamo airport so will be following the cricket from here for the next few hours, before travelling to Brum and then Sheffield.What kind of a week’s weather can I expect and was I right to bring a hot water bottle?”

I can’t speak for Birmingham and Sheffield, but it was 12 degrees at Derby last night for the women’s ODI and they had hot water bottles in the dugout. Damp as an early autumn paddling pool here in the north west. Hope that, unlike Rishi, you remembered your umbrella.


Early news from Old Trafford, where there will be no play till lunch, which is being taken at 12.30. Not the world’s greatest surprise.

Rumours were that Lancs were planning a dry turner – and duly recalled left-arm spinner Jack Morley from his loan spell at Derbyshire. But that would be miracle of Stokesian proportions considering the amount of rain we’ve had in the last two days. Reports from OT say the groundstaff have just started mopping up but it is “squelchy” underfoot.


DIVISION TWO TABLE – all teams have played six games

1 Sussex 96

2 Middlesex 89

3 Leicestershire 79

4 Gloucestershire 76

5 Northamptonshire 70

6 Glamorgan 69

7 Yorkshire 63

8 Derbyshire 55


DIVISION ONE TABLE- all teams have played six games

1 Surrey 114

2 Somerset 96

3 Essex 92

4 Nottinghamshire 68

5 Warwickshire 65

6 Hampshire 64

7 Durham 64

8 Worcestershire 61

9 Kent 58

10 Lancashire 53


Updated at 



Chester-le-Street: Durham v Somerset

Southampton: Hampshire v Surrey

Canterbury: Kent v Essex

Old Trafford: Lancashire v Warwickshire

New Road: Worcestershire v Nottinghamshire


Bristol: Gloucestershire v Derbyshire

Grace Road: Leicestershire v Glamorgan

Lord’s: Middlesex v Sussex

County Ground: Northamptonshire v Yorkshrie


Updated at 


Good morning from a soggy, soggy, soggy, Manchester.

Welcome to round eight of the Championship, where things are simmering along nicely. At the completion of this round, counties will have played seven of their 14 games. Pyjamas and white ball then predominates for the next three weeks, until everyone returns for the ninth Championship round on Sunday June 23.

So – enjoy this while you can!


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