Speed limit changes firmly rejected after 40,000 drivers demand 100mph roads in UK

The Government has confirmed there are “no plans” to increase speed limits up to 100mph on UK roads despite thousands of motorists demanding urgent action. 

The DfT admitted there would not be an assessment into increasing national speed limits after a Parliament petition calling for changes received thousands of signatures. 

More than 42,000 individuals have signed the poll which asked for motorway speed limits to be raised to 100mph. 

Dual carriageway limits would also rise from 70 mph to 80 mph under the plans outlined by campaigners. 

Poll creator Elouise Marie Auld claimed that speed limits should be reviewed as “modern vehicles have advanced safety features”.

Meanwhile, they claimed higher speed limits would reduce congestion with faster travel likely to “enhance reliability of supply chains and logistics.”

But, the Government refused to be drawn into the discussion with a DfT response shutting down any idea of updates. 

They said: “The Government has undertaken no recent assessment on increasing national speed limits and we have no current plans to undertake such an assessment on the basis of traffic flow or other factors.”

The Government was forced to give a response after the petition exceeded the 10,000 threshold. 

However, the petition must reach at least 100,000 signatures before its deadline at the end of May to be considered for debate in Parliament.

The DfT claimed analysing whether changing speeds would lead to a financial benefit would be a “complex model”. They also stressed that safety of road users was still a “priority”.

The DfT added: “We recognise that technology is moving on rapidly and that vehicles are much safer than when the current speed limits were first introduced. 

“But it is complex to model whether the economic benefits from reduced journey times would be realised because of the interaction of different factors, including any increase in road safety risk with resulting increase in collisions and travel time delays during closure and clearance of the road, and increased fuel consumption at higher speeds.

“Speed limits are set to achieve a balance between a transport system that is an engine for economic growth but one that is also greener and safer and improves the quality of life in our communities.

“The safety of road users is our priority, and any change to speed limits would be evidence-led, looking at the impact on safety, air quality and carbon emissions as well as traffic flow and other road conditions.”

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