Majorca mass tourism protestors warned not to ‘attack or molest’ holidaymakers | World | News

Protestors in Majorca due to march against overtourism have been warned by the government to keep things peaceful and not to attack holidaymakers.

The Balearic government says it does not want the demonstrations to turn out like they did in Barcelona when horrified tourists were sprayed with water pistols by campaigners.

Officials are not anticipating any trouble as the last major demonstration on the islands in May were peaceful, with no incidents or arrests.

But the Balearic government says it’s taking no chances and has pre-warned protestors to respect tourists and other residents who don’t want to join in.

The big demonstration against tourist saturation could attract more than 10,000 people and will take place in Palma, Majorca’s capital, at 7pm on Sunday.

Government spokesman Antoni Costa said they have the utmost respect for the citizens who attend the demonstration against tourist overcrowding.

He asked that respect to be shown to both citizens who decide not to participate in the protest as well as visitors who are in the city during the event.

Costa insisted that the government respects the demonstration as long as it is peaceful and does not interfere “with those who have decided not to demonstrate, including visitors.”

He said: “We are not afraid that anything will happen because there have been no incidents here but we have seen behaviour in Barcelona that we hope will happen.”

People in the “Menys turisme més vida” or “Less tourism, more life” protest group will repeat their demand for measures against tourist overcrowding under their motto “Let’s change the direction, let’s put limits on tourism”.

Organisers hope for a massive turnout, given the 10,000-plus people who protested about the need for decent housing for locals being priced out by tourist rents two months ago. 

The three major unions – the CCOO, UGT, and STEI – confirmed that they will join in the demonstrations to demand solutions to issues that “affect the living conditions of workers and all citizens of the Balearic Islands”.

José Luis García, general secretary of CCOO in the Balearic Islands, said: “We have a mass tourism model but all of this does not translate into an enrichment of the population but rather it is an intensive model that creates precariousness in the workplace and impoverishes the working class.” 

Xisca Garí, spokesperson for the management company at the head of UGT, said that although the hospitality agreement in the Balearic Islands “is the best in Spain”, current salaries “are not enough to live in a dignified manner”.

Representatives of the entertainment and culture world are also taking part and have sent out a rallying call to residents to take part “if they don’t want to see Majorca become a theme park”.

Less tourims, more life have also made a video to encourage all residents to participate in the protest for the right to housing and against tourist overcrowding, with images illustrating their demands and the improvements they hope to achieve.

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