How to grow bigger hydrangea flowers with 1 essential task that’s not pruning

Hydrangeas have many needs for their flower to flourish, but there’s one that should take priority – and it’s not pruning.

No matter which hydrangea you are growing, it is important to understand the watering needs of the plant. 

While they are known for being notorious for water, they do not like wet feet ever.

The basic rule to tell if a hydrangea needs to be watered is by looking at the leaves. If the leaves are drooping, the plant more than likely needs to be watered.

Taking to the Hydrangeas in the UK Facebook page, one man shared one change he’s made recently that has improved his hydrangeas flowers.

Posting a picture of his potted hydrangea plant bursting with bright pink flowers, Rowan Curtis said: “I’ve had this years and it’s never massive blooms and flowered like this before.

“The only thing I’ve done differently this year is to use more water from my water butt (rainwater).”

In agreement with Rowan, Jillian Sherbet wrote: “I’ve never had so many blooms either. It must be because of the heavy rain recently.”

Tracey Day said: “Ours is absolutely stunning this year, we have been watering it with lots of rainwater. It works wonders.”

Posting a picture of his hydrangea bush full of flowers, Len Gill commented: “Same here with mine. I think it must be all the rain we’ve been getting. They do like a lot of water. The clue is in the name hydrangeas.”

Kirsty Bridges claimed: “Rainwater is better for all plants.” Marie Ni Og said: “I’m convinced it’s all the rain we’ve had, everything is in full bloom.”

The most important thing you can do for hydrangeas is to get water to the roots of the plant.

Depending on the type of hydrangea you have, it will require different amounts of water. 

Hydrangea macrophylla usually requires the most water. Hydrangea arborescens and hydrangea quercifolia typically require less water.

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