Emmanuel Macron continues consultations on next PM, weeks after French election – Europe live | France

Emmanuel Macron continues consultations on next prime minister

Nearly two months after the French election, the country still doesn’t have a new prime minister.

Today, the French president, Emmanuel Macron is continuing his consultations, with speculation mounting about his choice.

France has been led by a caretaker administration since the July election, when no grouping won a majority.

The leftwing alliance the New Popular Front (NFP) won 182 seats, Macron’s centrist Ensemble group 168 seats, the far-right National Rally (RN) 143 seats and the conservative Républicains (LR) 46 seats. Other diverse candidates picked up the remaining 38 seats.

NFP has put forward Lucie Castets, a 37-year-old economist, for the prime minister job, but Macron ruled her out.


Key events

Eric Ciotti, a right-wing politician who had allied himself with the far-right ahead of the elections, has expressed his opposition to Xavier Bertrand.

Le groupe UDR à l’Assemblée nationale censurera évidemment tout gouvernement qui aurait à sa tête Xavier Bertrand.

Il a été jusqu’à appeler à voter communiste pour faire barrage à l’Union des droites, insultant au passage 11 millions d’électeurs.

Impossible d’accorder notre…

— Eric Ciotti (@ECiotti) September 3, 2024


BFMTV reports that Emmanuel Macron will hold new phone consultations with different political groupings.


Le Parisien reports that Emmanuel Macron is considering Xavier Bertrand and spoke on the phone with right-wing figures Gérard Larcher, Laurent Wauquiez et Bruno Retailleau to discuss.


BFMTV reports that the French president is testing the possibility of naming Xavier Bertrand, the head of the northern Hauts-de-France region and a former minister from the right, or Bernard Cazeneuve, who was prime minister from 2016 to 2017 under Socialist president François Hollande, as the next prime minister.


Emmanuel Macron continues consultations on next prime minister

Nearly two months after the French election, the country still doesn’t have a new prime minister.

Today, the French president, Emmanuel Macron is continuing his consultations, with speculation mounting about his choice.

France has been led by a caretaker administration since the July election, when no grouping won a majority.

The leftwing alliance the New Popular Front (NFP) won 182 seats, Macron’s centrist Ensemble group 168 seats, the far-right National Rally (RN) 143 seats and the conservative Républicains (LR) 46 seats. Other diverse candidates picked up the remaining 38 seats.

NFP has put forward Lucie Castets, a 37-year-old economist, for the prime minister job, but Macron ruled her out.


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Good morning and welcome back to the Europe blog.

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