Asda boss in 12-year long neighbour row as lavish home left stinking of poo | UK | News

The boss of Asda Manjit Dale has accused his neighbour of “stinking” up his property and is embedded in a legal battle over it.

The billionaire supermarket owner claims that his huge Lechlade estate in Gloucestershire is being sullied by sewage that is spewing into his fields via a broken septic tank.

He argues his neighbour is “legally responsible” and that the broken tank is causing a “stinking state of affairs”.

The former investment banker maintain that the tank is throwing up 2,000 litres of untreated sewage onto his property every day.

After a 12 years of wrangling, the businessman is launching legal action in the capital’s High Court.

Brian Abdy-Collins, the neighbour, is accused by Dale of turning his family home into a ponging sewer.

According to The Sun, court documents show that Dale’s lawyers wrote: “The walls of the three chambers within the septic tank have collapsed.

“Untreated sewage and effluent from the estate drainage system has been, and continues to be, continually discharged.

“It has also been, and continues to be, observed beyond the field, flowing towards the lake on the property.

“The untreated sewage and effluent has resulted in strong and unpleasant sewage odours which have adversely affected the property.

“All in all, the estate drainage system in its current condition is manifestly not fit for purpose.

“It has resulted in a polluted, harmful and stinking state of affairs…and continues to give rise to a nuisance.”

The tycoon alleges he paid £600,000 to fix the issue, but now wants the neighbour to foot the bill and pay damages.

His lawyers add: “Over many years the Claimant has notified and complained to the Defendant about the matters.

“He has notified the Defendant of his responsibilities, and has repeatedly called on him to address and remedy the issues.

“Despite this the Defendant has prevaricated and has failed and declined to take any (or any sufficient and effective) action in that regard.”

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