‘Overwhelmed’ office workers say lives revolve around tech

A survey of 2,000 office workers has revealed that their lives are dominated by technology, with each individual relying on at least three devices – including a laptop, tablet, and mobile phone – to get through the day.

The study found that 10% feel burdened by ‘too many’ gadgets, while 39% wish they could carry fewer tech devices and accessories to and from work.

This issue has been exacerbated for hybrid workers, with 71% stating they have to transport more tech due to splitting their time between home and the office. However, it’s not just the physical strain of carrying multiple devices that’s causing concern.

Workers are constantly bombarded with alerts, from messages and meeting notifications to reminders to stand up.

While 31% believe their electronics have improved their lives and 30% would be ‘lost’ without them, 18% worry that technology has effectively taken over their everyday existence.

Unsurprisingly, nearly a fifth (18%) are eager to regain control and become less reliant on their devices.

A spokesperson for HONOR, which commissioned the research to coincide with the launch of its all-in-one foldable Magic V3 phone, commented: “Tech should enrich our lives – not take over it.”

“Having to carry around multiple devices and receiving notifications from each one seemingly every few minutes, it’s no wonder so many feel overwhelmed. It certainly doesn’t need to be that way.”

The study uncovered that a staggering 45% of 18 to 24 year olds are swamped daily by a barrage of notifications from numerous devices, with this age bracket feeling the pressure more than any other.

Over half admitted they’d be eager to shell out extra cash for an all-in-one gadget that could take the place of multiple devices, for a streamlined tech life.

A spokesperson for HONOR elaborated: “The research found many consumers are overwhelmed by the amount of tech in their lives however tech could be the solution to this problem.”

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