Only those with a high IQ can spot five differences between two pictures in nine seconds | Weird | News

The long weekend is the ideal time to relax, with two bank holidays gifting Britons four days between March 29 and April 1, but a seasonal puzzle challenges people to use the time to strengthen their minds.

An Easter-themed spot the difference challenge asks people to look closely at two seemingly identical images.

The pictures show a cutesy natural scene, with animals gathered in a wooded clearing surrounded by trees.

Two bunnies sit on a picnic blanket in the middle of the scene, between them a basket of Easter eggs.

Those looking to work on their mental fortitude over the holidays must pick out several differences between the scene and a second, subtly different one.

The puzzle from 1337.Games asks people to find five differences between two pictures.

The solutions are as follows:

1. The orange bird at the top of the picture is now green

2. The pink flower in the tree has disappeared

3. The purple bunny is now pink

4. The picnic blanket is now purple

5. The two Easter eggs have disappeared

The differences are already subtle, but the challenge can be doubled by adding a time limit.

Some people will be able to find all five within just nine seconds, and the puzzle’s creators believe this will provide some mental benefits.

Commenting on the brain teaser, a spokesperson for 1337.Games said the puzzle would help people “improve their visual acuity”.

They said: “The game is accessible to everyone, encouraging players of all ages to engage their minds and improve their visual acuity this Easter.

“Solutions are readily available for those who may find the task challenging, ensuring everyone can enjoy the satisfaction of uncovering all the differences.”

Those looking for further challenges can find a dozen more on’s page.

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