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How to cook rice perfectly in 15 minutes with Jamie Oliver’s technique

Rice is a versatile side that complements meat and fish dishes to perfection, so taking some time to perfect the cooking technique can go a long way.

Luckily, Jamie Oliver has shared his own method on his official website, which produces fluffy rice “every time” – and in as little as 14 minutes.

To make four servings of basmati rice, begin by placing a large pot filled with salted water over high heat until it reaches a boil.

Next, rinse 300g of rice in a colander under cold running water for about a minute, or until the water runs clear. The chef highlighted that this step is crucial as it “will help stop the grains sticking together when cooked”.

Once the water is boiling, add the rice. Keep an eye on it—when you see the grains start to “dance around,” boil them for about five to six minutes. After that, drain the rice using a metal colander.

Pour about 2.5cm of water back into the pot, return it to the heat, and bring it to a boil once more before reducing to a simmer.

Cover the colander with foil or a lid and place it over the pot. Allow the rice to steam for eight to 10 minutes; this method “will help to finish it off, separating the grains without overcooking them”.

When it’s done, you can serve the rice right away. If you’re not quite ready, simply keep the foil or lid on, and it should remain warm for about 20 minutes.

Once you’re comfortable with this basic technique, you can experiment with flavours by boiling it with fresh herbs, a cinnamon stick, cardamom pods, a strip of lemon zest, or even a green tea bag in the cooking water.

The chef also pointed out an alternative, easy method for cooking rice – the absorption method.

For four servings, combine one mug of rice with two mugs of boiling water in a pan, adding a pinch of salt and pepper.

Cover with a lid and cook over high heat for about eight to 10 minutes until all the liquid has been absorbed. This method also allows for the addition of aromatics to enhance the flavour.

Cooking brown rice is just as straightforward as cooking white rice, though it does require a bit more time.

The simplest method is to add the rice to a pan, using the recommended quantities from the package, and cover it with water.

Place a lid on the pan and let it simmer for about 25 minutes, or until it’s fully cooked through.

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