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Overwatch 2 Classic release time, dates and patch notes for Fortnite Remix inspired mode | Gaming | Entertainment

Overwatch 2 fans are counting down to the release of a limited time game mode based on classic Overwatch.

Seemingly inspired by the success of Fortnite Remix, Overwatch Classic takes things back to the old-school, featuring the original heroes, maps, abilities, and 6v6 gameplay.

Overwatch Classic has a November 12 release date on PS5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, PC and Nintendo Switch.

Running until December 2, Overwatch 2 Classic has a 6pm GMT release time for fans living in the UK. It will be accompanied by a big update, which based on the early patch notes, includes balance changes based on the state of the game back in version 1.0.

Different Overwatch 2 Classic events will introduce new features and characters from significant moments in the game’s history.

The first Overwatch 2 Classic features the original 21 heroes and 12 maps from launch. Heroes and maps are playable across four different modes.

Crucially, this means a return to the 6v6 action that made Overwatch such a popular game when it released in 2016.

It’s also worth pointing out that during the initial launch period there will be no restrictions on heroes and classes. This means that for the first few days, teams can all pick the same character if they so please.

“We’re grouping heroes in their four original classes, but you are not required to play Attackers when on attack or Defenders when defending,” reads the official description.

“In general, each hero will be able to power up their Ultimate ability a lot faster than in Overwatch 2, as the general Ultimate Charge cost was much lower back then.

“Also, any heroes that can be interrupted out of their ultimate can have a portion of their Ultimate charge salvaged depending on when the interruption occurred. Health pools, damage outputs, and projectile sizes are also reverted to before the Overwatch 2: Season 9 update.”

The four game modes available during Overwatch Classic include Assault, Escort, Hybrid, and Control.

Playable heroes, meanwhile, include Support characters such as Lucio, Mercy, Symmetra and Zenyatta, as well as Tank Heroes including D.Va, Reinhardt, Roadhog, Winston and Zarya.

That’s on top of Bastion, Hanzo, Junkrat, Mei, Torbjorn and Widowmaker, as well as Cassidy, Genji, Pharah, Reaper, Solider: 76 and Tracer.

The original maps are also playable, although they won’t be reverted back to their original states.

Blizzard explains more: “Overwatch: Classic will use the 12 original maps that first launched, however, maps will appear the same as they do in other Overwatch 2 game modes.

“This includes major reworks for Dorado, Numbani, Route 66, and Watchpoint: Gibraltar. Things like match timing and how elevator platforms work will still be the same as they appear in Overwatch 2 game modes.”

Full patch notes will follow on November 11, so keep checking back for more information.

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