The easy fridge hack that keeps your food safe and ‘cuts energy costs’

Experts have said that the best place to keep food when defrosting it is in the fridge. This is not just best so as not to spoil it, the method can also help with energy bills, it has been suggested. The advice comes from Life Before Plastic, a site that’s assembled its top food storage tips.

“It’s easy to waste food when you don’t know the correct way to store it,” the article reads. “Have you ever bought a bag of mushrooms then forgotten about them before it’s too late? Or a bunch of spinach that goes wilted and stinks out your fridge? We’ve all been there.” It adds: “Having to throw away food is money straight in the bin and bad news for overconsumption and our environment. Knowing how to store your food properly ensures maximum freshness, lower energy bills, and reduces food waste.”

Its final tip suggests keeping defrosting food in the fridge.

“Putting a frozen item in the refrigerator helps cool the appliance down and then it doesn’t need as much energy to keep the rest of your food cold,” the site recommends.

“This helps lower your energy bill and defrost your food at a healthy speed so it does not spoil.“

Other things readers are urged to do include storing herbs in glasses of water, and carrots in a container with liquid.

Moreover, mushrooms should be stored in a paper bag, and cheese in a wax wrap, the experts said.

Greens will do well in a paper towel, and potatoes in a storage bag with an apple.

The website adds that you should cover leftover bowls with airtight stretch lids, and use airtight containers for avocados.

Berries should be washed with one part vinegar and three parts water to ensure they last longer, and chilli peppers freezed in silicon zip lock bags or glass jars.

Wrap banana stems in a wax wrap, the site also recommends, and put nuts in the freezer.

Celery needs to be wrapped in aluminium foil.

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