Orchids will ‘bloom beautifully’ if watered with 1 kitchen scrap

If you’ve got an orchid at home, you’ll know that they’re one of the most beautiful and elegant flowers out there. Coming in a huge range of colours, they instantly add a bit of pizzazz to any room, but they aren’t always the easiest to look after. 

Sometimes, orchids don’t flower as much as they should, and there are plenty of possible reasons for this. The season, the light, and the environment can all impact orchids, so if yours isn’t looking the best, don’t fret. According to gardening experts, one very common kitchen scrap is hugely beneficial to orchids and many other plants. 

The team at Cookist have hailed banana peels as an excellent natural fertiliser, so think twice before you throw them away.

Banana peels are packed with essential nutrients like potassium, phosphorus, calcium, and magnesium, which can help your plants thrive and bloom. 

They can be used for many different plants, but orchids, in particular, really benefit from the potassium boost. This vital nutrient helps plants grow strong and ward off diseases, and it aids photosynthesis, too. 

How to make banana fertiliser

Start by chopping your banana peels into small pieces. This essential stepo increases the surface area and helps them break down faster in water.

Put them in a jar or container filled with water and allow them to sit for at least 24 hours. The longer you leave them, the more nutrients they will release into the water, and the more your plants will benefit. 

When the time is up, you’ll have a nutrient-rich solution ready for use. Strain the banana peels out and pour the water directly onto your plants.

The experts recommend using it to water orchids, succulents, chili peppers, and other plants that benefit from extra nutrients.

You should carry out this technique once every couple of weeks for healthy and flourishing plants. 

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