Overwatch 2 fans can download a huge new update on PlayStation, Xbox, PC and Nintendo Switch.
The mid-season Overwatch 2 update introduces a brand new crossover with South Korean girl group Le Sserafim.
As part of the update, fans can grab new Legendary skins based on the pop act for Ashe, Mercy, Juno, D.Va, and Illari.
Elsewhere, the mid-season update lays the foundation for Overwatch Classic: GOATS, which begins on March 25.
Blizzard explains more: “This iconic meta defined an entire era of competitive play, proving that three tanks, three supports, and perfectly timed abilities could be the ultimate formula for victory.
“Whether you remember GOATS from its prime or are experiencing it for the first time, now’s your chance to relive one of Overwatch’s most influential moments that rewrote the rules of team play.”
Overwatch Classic GOATS adds Moira, Brigitte, and Wrecking Ball, as well as maps including Blizzard World, Rialto, and Busan.
Needless to say, the new mid-season update also makes a ton of balance changes and gameplay tweaks for various characters, which you can see in the patch notes below.
Hero Updates
Junker Queen
Developer Comments: Increasing the duration of Deep Wounds to ensure that Junker Queen can maintain wounds even longer on enemies she’s actively targeting.
• Deep Wounds
– Extended wound duration increased from 0.25 to 0.5 seconds.
Developer Comments: An additional element has been added to Prolonged Barrier to enable Ramattra to control a larger area and provide effective cover with the shield.
• Prolonged Barrier
– Now additionally increases the size of the Void Barrier by 25%.
Developer Comments: We’re making improvements to several of Reinhardt’s perks to increase their usability in various situations.
• Crusader’s Resolve
– Passive Regeneration trigger rate increased from 50% to 75%.
• Shield Slam
– Cooldown reduced from 8 to 6 seconds.
Developer Comments: The increased throw distance modifies how Roadhog can use Hog Toss. Adding a damage increase component will make Pig Pen more effective even when not utilizing the throw distance
• Hog Toss
– Now also increases the damage of Pig Pen by 25%.
Developer Comments: Short Circuit is being adjusted to improve its effectiveness in specific matchups against deployables such as barriers or turrets.
• Short Circuit
– Damage versus deployable objects increased from 30% to 50%
Wrecking Ball
Developer Comments: The transfer cost is being reduced to amplify the value of shields when given to allies.
• Transfer Efficiency
– Ally transfer cost reduction increased from 33% to 50%.
Developer Comments: Adding a resource meter will control Bastion’s healing ability, ensuring more balanced gameplay and fair engagements with low damage output heroes.
• Self-Repair
– Now has a resource required to heal.
Developer Comments: Increasing Past Noon’s refund aims to improve High Noon and its zoning capabilities, adding incentive to change how the ultimate is used.
• Past Noon
– Ultimate charge refunded increased from 30% to 40%.
Developer Comments: The utility of Genji’s perks, such as Acrobatics and Blade Twisting, has been limited due to their specific use cases. We have improved the conditions of these perks and increased the healing of Meditation to align it with other Major perks.
• Acrobatics
– Now also resets double jump on wall climb.
• Meditation
– Healing increased from 25 to 35 health per second.
• Blade Twisting
– Duration after an elimination to trigger bonus damage increased from 6 to 10 seconds.
– Bonus damage is now dealt over 1 second instead of 2 seconds.
Developer Comments: The cooldown increase for Permafrost has been removed to ensure it does not create negative impact for Ice Wall.
• Permafrost
– No longer increases cooldown of Ice Wall.
Developer Comments: We are increasing the amount of converted shields to enhance Pharah’s self-sufficiency when Helix Shields is selected.
• Helix Shields
– Converted Shields increased from 75 to 125.
Developer Comments: The recovery time change will allow Reaper to weave primary fire shots between uses of Dire Trigger, reducing the friction of using this ability.
• Dire Triggers
– Recovery time reduced from 0.9 to 0.7 seconds.
Soldier: 76
Developer Comments: Reducing Stim Pack’s cast time will make it more responsive, allowing use during combat without dramatically affecting shooting uptime.
• Stim Pack
– Cast time reduced from 0.4 to 0.15 seconds.
– Stim Pack anti-heal is now cleansable.
Developer Comments: Improving Sombra’s Major Perks to ensure they’re providing value without heavily impacting her core gameplay.
• Stack Overflow
– Range penalty reduced from 30% to 15%.
• White Hat
– Hack is now uninterruptible from damage when healing allies.
Developer Comments: Torbjörn’s Turret has become difficult to deal with when paired with his Major Perks. The base statistics of Deploy Turret are being reduced, and some power is being reallocated to the Minor Perk Craftsman.
• Deploy Turret
– Base health reduced from 250 to 225.
– Turret Damage reduced from 13 to 12.
• Craftsman
– Now additionally increases Deploy Turret base health by 25
Developer Comments: Increasing duration gives players additional time to take advantage of the overhealth after recalling.
• Quantum Entanglement
– Overhealth duration increased from 3.5 to 6 seconds.
Developer Comments: Increasing Assault Burst’s attack speed to balance its loss of instant healing. Also, boosted Automated Healing as its current effectiveness is low for an ultimate perk.
• Automated Healing
– Healing per shot is increased from 25 to 30.
• Assault Burst
– Attack speed increased from 20% to 30%.
Developer Comments: Barrier Restoration now grants increased movement speed, offering Brigitte additional options when she is unable to use Shield Bash on opponents.
• Barrier Restoration
– After Shield Bashing, Brigitte gains 30% movement speed for 1.5 seconds.
Developer Comments: Increasing the power of Summer Solstice for more effective use of her ultimate ability and improved flight time.
• Solar Rifle
– Weapon recharging is no longer paused while using Quick Melee.
• Summer Solstice
– Additionally provides 30% increased attack speed while Captive Sun is active
Developer Comments: Enhancing Re-Boots to be a more valuable mobility perk, allowing players to hover for longer and utilize the double jump reset.
• Re-boots
– Now also increases the duration of Glide Boost by 25%.
Developer Comments: Triggering Superbloom can be challenging, so we are making several changes to improve the consistency of the perk.
• Superbloom
– Damage increased from 30 to 40.
– Number of hits to trigger increased from 16 to 20.
– Window of time to land hits increased from 1.5 to 2.5 seconds.
• Lifeweaving
– Bonus to Healing Blossom heal increased from 20 to 30.
Developer Comments: The cast time has been shortened to make Flash Heal more responsive for use in emergency situations.
• Flash Heal
– Cast time reduced from 0.875 to 0.4 seconds.