Perhaps your dog has been crowned as the most obedient dog breed of all time, but it still doesn’t listen to you. From March 6 to 9, 2025, at the National Exhibition Centre (NEC) in Birmingham, Crufts’ Obreedience competition took place.
The dog obedience competition was first introduced at Crufts in 2014 as a special display event. Now in its 11th year, the decision has been made as to which dog breed is the most obedient kind. According to judge Jen Wyatt, who watched on as dogs responded to their handlers’ commands, the most obedient dog breed is the Labrador Retriever.
Helen Kerfoot, Crufts show manager, said: “Congratulations to all the owners and dogs of the Labrapaws team on their impressive win at Crufts! The team showcased an exceptional level of training and obedience, and the bond between each dog and their owner was evident.”
Other dog breed finalists included Cocker Spaniels, Jack Russell Terriers, Dachshunds, Staffordshire Bull Terriers, and English Springer Spaniels.
Labrador Retrievers
According to The Kennel Club, Labrador Retrievers are “intelligent” dogs who have a “strong will to please” their owners.
Their willingness to please their owners would help explain why Labrador Retrievers came out on top in the Crufts’ Obreedience competition. Labrador Retrievers are also regarded to have a “kindly nature” that show “no trace of aggression or undue shyness”.
These “good tempered” companions are popular pets who have gained a reputation for frolicking in any body of water that they may see.
How easy is it to train a Labrador Retriever?
The PDSA also highlighted how obedient the Labrador Retriever breed is, adding that they are “quick to learn” and “eager to please”.
These factors combined should make training a Labrador Retriever “fairly easily” and they are an ideal family pet.
“They bond well with the whole family and are affectionate and loving. Their patient nature makes them ideal for children,” the PDSA noted.
These high-energy dog breeds do require “over two hours of exercise per day” to be physically and mentally fit.
This is an especially important consideration for anybody who is tempted to get a Labrador Retriever.