Rats are being ‘invited into your home’ due to simple mistakes

One problem that everyone wants to avoid is having  rats invade their home.

It may seem a rare issue, but it can happen. Recently, the “scariest” ways rats can get into your home have been revealed, and some of them may surprise you. The sneaky task can be easier for them than you think.

A video was shared by Twin Home Experts on TikTok which revealed just how simple it is for them to find their way in. It’s amazing what the pests are able to squeeze through.

They admitted rats can “take over” by using super sneaky tactics, so there are some things you need to be aware of. It’s always best to be prepared.

If pests are a problem you want to avoid, here’s what you need to know. Following the advice may help to prevent the problem.

Entry points

The experts noted they can access via “sneaky” entry points around the property – from walls to cracks in the roof. In the clip, the hole in one property led right to the garage, which can make it easy for them to get in.

This is why it’s important to seal these areas as much as you can. Don’t leave and cracks and gaps exposed.


If you have a garage, and you store pet food in it, this could be problematic. If you feed your pets in your garage, never leave the door open.

As well as this, ensure the food is stored away in sealed containers. This will prevent them from being attracted to it.

Dryer vents

If you have open dryer vents, rats can easily get into them. It may sound simple, but it does happen, so you may want to try and cover them up if safe to do so. You can get magnetic dryer vent hoods to aid the issue.


If you have trees right next to your home, this can help them get into the attic. Experts say they can climb the trees and “sniff out” the warm air and get in through the vents.


It was also noted gaps in roof corners can be easy for rats to get into and they’re “often missed”. Rats are able to chew their way through and access the property, so you need to be vigilant.

If you’re worried you may have rats, it’s always best to seek the advice of a pest professional. Signs they’re present may include finding droppings, hearing scampering noises, finding nests and noticing gnaw marks. You may also detect a bad smell.

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