If your lemons have gone off, perhaps there is one last chance for them to be useful. You might have thought of using sophisticated products to clean grease in your kitchen, but this tip might save you time and money. A series of viral videos have swamped the internet, showing how you can easily clean your microwave by just using lemon juice and water.
First, you’ll need to cut the lemon in two halves, and fill a microwave safe bowl with water. Squeeze the lemon juice into the water and drop the remaining lemon halves into the bowl. Place the bowl in the microwave. Then, microwave on high power for 3 minutes so the liquid comes to a boil. Then, without opening the microwave door, let stand for 5 more minutes until the microwave is damp.
Finally, once the microwave is damp, wipe it with a sponge. If you come across stubborn spots that won’t easily wipe away, dip the corner of your dishtowel in the lemon water and scrub until the bits come off.
The video above also shows how you can use lemon to clean your washing machine drum. Again, cut the lemon in two but this time, add a swirl of toothpaste on the top of the halves. Then, place the halves in the drum, running a hot, quick wash cycle.
The toothpaste’s slight abrasiveness helps remove dirt and grime, while the lemon’s acidity acts as a natural antibacterial agent, freshening the machine.
You can even clean your dishwasher using the fruit. Place a cup of lemon juice or a few lemon halves – with all the seeds removed – in the top rack and run a normal cycle. The citric acid in lemons helps remove hard water buildup, grease, and odors, leaving your dishwasher and dishes fresher.
However, avoid using too many lemons or lemon juice in a single cycle, as the strong citric acid could potentially damage the rubber seals.