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Mary Berry’s tip that will keep your sandwiches fresh – don’t add this 1 item

If you prefer to prep your sandwiches for work or lunch and are always finding them soggy, Mary Berry says removing this one item will solve your problem. She says you should use fresh bread and that you should not put tomatoes or cucumbers in the filling as they’re they’re too wet. If you want those, you have to pop them in just before you serve, says Mary.

Mary tends to make her sandwiches the day before she needs them which comes as a surprise to many. In her TV show Mary Berry Cooks, she told us exactly how to keep sandwiches fresh when you’ve made them the day before.

Once made, place the cut sandwiches in a baking tray and cover them with a damp cloth, tucking it in around the sides.

Then wrap the lot in clingfilm, and leave it in the fridge overnight.

Two hours before serving, slice off the crusts and cut the sandwiches into fingers or quarters if you’re planning to use them for a party or gathering.

You should then cover with cling film and keep at room temperature until ready to serve.

They will taste as fresh as the moment you made them, says Mary.

If you’re wondering what sandwiches to make, there’s a huge range of options to consider.

Some classics include ham and mustard, cheese and pickle, egg mayo and cress, tuna salad or chicken salad.

It can be a lot of pressure to host an occasion but having prepared your sandwiches the night before, you’ll take some of the hassle away for the day of your gathering.

Sandwiches are also an affordable option if you are hoping to provide food for your guests.

For other small plates you can serve alongside your sandwiches, you could make a pasta salad which is another cost-effective yet impressive addition to your spread.

You could also add some crisps, some sweet treats such as cupcakes, cookies or brownies.

Other ideas include a salad bowl or a hummus dip with breadsticks or crackers.

By following Mary’s simple method, you can ensure your spread will be ready for the perfect dinner party without having to stress on the day.

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