Gardener’s top tips for keeping your lawn green this summer

A gardening expert has shared their top tips for keeping your lawn a luscious green colour this summer. 

Former landscape gardener Steven Bell, from Paving Shopper, says April is a crucial time for kickstarting lawn maintenance routine.

He also says that proactive weed management is essential for keeping your lawn in top shape.

Steven recommends pulling weeds from the roots in order to prevent their return. 

He also says it is important to make sure your lawn is well trimmed.

Steven suggests increasing the mowing frequency as we head deeper into spring, cutting the grass to about five centimetres to promote photosynthesis, vital for the grass’s recovery and vitality.

He also highlights the importance of pre-emptive hydration to prepare for any potential droughts this summer, recalling challenges from past severe weather. This preparation is crucial to help the lawn withstand similar future conditions.

Steven also notes that effective weeding is essential for a pristine summer lawn appearance. As weeds proliferate with the spring warmth, it’s important to manage them aggressively to prevent them from overtaking the grass.

Steven’s steps for greener grass:

  • Start Now: Begin your lawn care routine without delay if your lawn is looking lacklustre.
  • Weed Management: Pull out weeds by the roots to ensure they don’t return.
  • Increase Mowing: As the weather warms, increase the frequency of mowing and keep the grass at approximately five centimetres.
  • Hydrate: Prepare for dry spells by hydrating your lawn early, especially ahead of the summer.
  • Control Weeds: Regularly check for and remove weeds during the growing season to keep your lawn pristine.

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