The summer months may be behind us but when did that ever stop us Brits jumping on a plane in search of warmer climes? Touching down in a new place is always exciting, and one of the first things to do is connect to the airport or hotel Wi-Fi to get connected and search out […]
American foodie tries Balti in Birmingham – and gives honest opinion
An American food enthusiast made a pit stop in Birmingham to sample the second city’s renowned Balti dish. Kalani (@kalanighosthunter) informed his three million TikTok followers: “We’re in Birmingham and this is what they’re known for here in the Balti Triangle, so let’s try and get one to eat.” Settling down in a local eatery, […]
You’re washing clothes too often – and it’s making people ‘feel sick’
According to a cleaning expert, it seems you can indeed be too clean. Personal hygiene is undeniably crucial, from brushing your teeth to showering and cleaning your clothes. However, the frequency of these practices is up for debate. While it’s common knowledge that teeth should be brushed twice daily, the necessity of daily showers and […]
Remove condensation with expert’s ‘simple’ yet unusual tip
Cooler evenings and mornings could result in condensation building around your windows, and this can turn into a significant and costly problem. Gordon Wallis, the energy expert at Your NRG said: “Condensation is a common issue during the colder months due to the stark temperature difference between the inside of your home and the outdoors. […]
How to remove limescale and mould from washing machines fast without bleach
Limescale and mould can make cleaning your washing machine a real chore, as both are notoriously stubborn to shift. The unpleasant accumulation of limescale and mould can occur in the drum, the drawer, and the rubber seal of your washing machine. To tackle this issue, appliance gurus at LG have shared their best advice for […]
Boy, 5, loses eye after being diagnosed with golf ball-sized brain tumour | UK | News
A five-year-old boy is now cancer-free after losing an eye to a brain tumour that was discovered during a routine pre-school eye check. Riley Thompson was promptly sent to Glasgow’s Royal Hospital for Children in February after the eye test revealed the cancerous optic nerve glioma. Surgeons courageously fought to remove the golf ball-sized tumour […]
Mary Berry’s ‘perfect’ banana bread with chocolate chips – recipe
Autumn is well and truly underway, so to help you warm up your insides, Dame Mary Berry has shared her recipe for the ultimate baking treat. If you’re conscious about your food going out of date, Mary’s simple and easy chocolate banana bread can use up any surplus. Mary’s recipe uses a classic loaf cake […]
Keep bananas fresh for ’16 days’ by storing them in unexpected kitchen spot once ripe
Many bananas sold in supermarkets are green, turning yellow very quickly once they are home. This makes bananas one of the most wasted foods, with up to one million of them wasted daily. This is because many people tend not to eat them once they turn brown, despite being perfectly fine inside. Luckily, there are […]
Five beautiful houseplants that banish condensation and mould in the house
As the autumn months tick on and winter creeps closer, the temperature has begun to drop and condensation is more than likely to start appearing on the windows again. To help combat condensation, which could lead to mould, a plant expert shared which houseplants can actually prevent the problem from happening. Condensation occurs when warm, […]
Clocks go back: Britons urged not to sleep at their ‘normal’ time this weekend
Normally, the last Sunday of October marks the end of British Summer Time (BST) and will see the clocks go back. Not only does this mean it will get darker later in the morning and earlier during the evening but we also get an extra hour’s sleep. Despite the extra hour this Sunday (October 27), […]