How to prune roses for flowers to ‘triple in size’ come summer, according to gardener

are one of the most commonly sought out for their beauty, scent and overall abundance. 

If you are thinking of starting a rose garden or if you already have one of your own and are looking for a few extra tips on how to make rose plants flower more, and expert Petar Ivanov of Allan’s Gardeners has shared one “essential” task – .

When gardeners learn how to prune roses properly, they’ll get almost immediate rewards for their efforts, such as more blooms through the season and healthier plants. 

To avoid your roses’ prickly limbs and sometimes unruly growth habits from intimidating you, Petar has shared all the tips you need to know about pruning roses.

The expert claimed that gardeners should “only prune roses” in the spring, and “never in “autumn or winter”. 

It’s up to gardeners how much to prune a rose bush depending on how big they want it to get, but half is the ideal amount.

After pruning, Petar said: “The rose bush will usually grow flowers triple in size.” 

Rose pruning involves removing dead, damaged, and diseased branches. Get rid of any stems or branches that look unhealthy, discoloured, or shrivelled. 

Make a clean cut at a 45-degree angle just above a healthy bud or branch. 

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