Jamie Oliver’s simple 5-ingredient hummus recipe is easy to make

Hummus is easy to find in supermarkets but the freshest flavour comes when making it from scratch.

Made with chickpeas, which chef calls “the star ingredient” in his recipe, hummus is also cheap to whip up.

Sharing a recipe for the popular dip from his book Jamie’s Food Revolution, the chef claimed: “High in protein and fibre and more than ten micronutrients, including a hefty amount of the mineral copper, keeping our hair and skin nice and healthy, this is a great, nutritious snack.

“Serve it with crunchy veg for dipping, breadsticks or lovely warm flatbreads.”

This recipe couldn’t be easier to make with just five simple ingredients needed.

Hummus recipe


One 400g tin of chickpeas

One small clove of garlic

One tablespoon tahini

One lemon

Extra virgin olive oil


First, drain the chickpeas to remove the aquafaba from the tin then pour the chickpeas into a blender or food processor.

Next, peel the garlic clove and finely chop it up before adding it to the food processor. A second clove can be added for garlic-lovers.

Spoon the tahini into the mixture along with a generous squeeze of lemon juice and one tablespoon of oil.

Season everything with a pinch of sea salt, then pop the lid on the food processor and blitz to a thick dip consistency. Don’t over-blend or the hummus will lose its trademark thickness.

Use a spatula to scrape the hummus down the sides of the bowl, then blitz again until smooth.

Have a taste and adjust the seasoning as necessary; add a splash of water to loosen, more lemon juice for acidity or a little more salt if needed.

Transfer to a bowl and top with smoked paprika for extra flavour. Serve with sliced crunchy vegetables such as carrots, cucumber, radishes or peppers. Add some warm flatbreads and enjoy.

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