Cyclists to be hit with bigger penalties similar to drivers under potential rules changes

Cyclists could soon face tougher sentences similar to motorists under new rule proposals being considered by the Government. 

Former Conservative leader Iain Duncan Smith is calling for amendments to the Criminal Justice Act which could be debated in Parliament today.

The move would see tougher penalties issued to cyclists who injure or kill pedestrians, closing a loophole which sees offenders get away with minimal punishment. 

Under current rules, a cyclist who kills someone while riding a bicycle can only be sentenced to a maximum of two years in jail.

Meanwhile, road users can be slapped with life sentences for accidents with rules changes looking to level the playing field. 

Amendments to the law look set to create a new “offence of causing death or serious injury by dangerous, careless or inconsiderate cycling”.

Killing someone through “inconsiderate” cycling will also be made a new rule under the changes. 

According to the Telegraph, a Westminster source said: “There is general acceptance around the House of Commons that this should be done: the only question is how it should be done.”

The updates come after motoring lawyer Nick Freeman, known as Mr Loophole urgently called for new rules to be passed to tackle issues. 

Nick claimed some cyclists “don’t fear being brought to justice” due to a lack of accountability compared to motorists. 

The lawyer has previously suggested that cyclists should display a compulsory form of ID while travelling similar to motorists. 

This could take the form of a tabard or number plate with cyclists possibly needing a licence or insurance to get behind the handlebars. 

He commented: “The Government needs to introduce offences such as causing death by dangerous cycling or causing serious injury by dangerous driving cycling. 

“Such offences would directly mirror existing offences which apply to motorists who kill or who cause serious injury and so carry exactly the same serious punishment.

“Highway Code Rule 68 states cyclists must not ride in a dangerous, careless or inconsiderate manner. But even though this is a mandatory rule, there’s no adequate punishment for those who break the law.

“This may well explain why a certain number of cyclists take a cavalier approach to the safety of others – particularly pedestrians. They don’t fear being brought to justice.”

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