Houseplants that remove dust and toxins from the air to cut down time on dusting

Also known as allergy season, spring is a major time for dust arrival. Here are some houseplants which can help you cut down on cleaning time.

Pollen, animal hair, shedding skin and open windows all contribute to a household’s dust collection during the spring and summer months.

This can be incredibly frustrating, because you may feel like you need to dust more often.

Luckily, there are houseplants that help to purify the air and in turn, remove dust from your home.

Zach Morgan, a gardening expert at Fantastic Gardeners, recommended a spider plant.

According to the pro, the spider plant is one of the easiest indoor plants to take care of.

The expert said: “It prefers lots of bright, indirect sunlight and it’s great if you have pets because it’s not toxic and very resilient. Just make sure to water it a few times a week.

“According to studies, spider plants are great at getting rid of formaldehyde from the air, so they can help you cleanse the air indoors by keeping them close to your workspace. It’s also said to remove carbon monoxide and xylene.”

They can absorb nitrogen dioxide effectively too, helping to keep the air clean and fresh.

This houseplant also grows spiderettes too, which owners can snip off, repot and gift to friends and family for free.

The snake plant is a well-known low-maintenance houseplant due to it being a succulent.

Zach said this plant released oxygen into the air whilst also removing “harmful chemicals”.

A study published by Harvard University concluded that the snake plant is one of the most oxygen-producing houseplants, and can help you breathe better and sleep better.

The peace lily is known for having a high transpiration rate which means that when it is watered, the water works overtime and helps bring moisture back into the room, making this an ideal bedroom plant.

Zach added: “This reduces dust in the room and can remove any irritants to your eyes, nose and mouth.

“The peace lily takes a little more effort to keep happy as it requires morning sunlight only, frequent misting and damp soil.

“Keep in mind that it’s also toxic to pets. Peace lilies are great for improving your work-life balance as they remove toxins that can cause stress.”

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