Expert reveals what to plant in your garden in June for best results

Vegetables to plant in June

Pak choi

Pak choi, a versatile leafy vegetable, adds a crisp texture and fresh taste to salads and stir-fries, with a flavor akin to a mix of cabbage and spinach.

Sow seeds directly in shallow drills or in pots. June is also an excellent time to plant out young pak choi plants sown last month.

Spring onions

Spring onions can be sown from March to August. To maintain a continuous crop, sow seeds every few weeks.

They can be sown directly into shallow drills or grown in pots, provided they receive ample moisture.


June is suitable for sowing late-sprouting broccoli cultivars and calabrese.

Sow seeds directly in well-prepared soil or in multi-celled trays to transplant later. It’s also a good time to plant out broccoli and calabrese plants started in May.

Florence fennel

Florence fennel can be sown directly in June. For a steady harvest from August to October, consider successional sowings every couple of weeks from May to July.

Sow in well-prepared soil and thin seedlings to 30 cm apart.


Early June is the last opportunity to sow pumpkins, ensuring they have enough warm days to grow.

Choose seeds based on the intended use; large pumpkins are often bred for size, not flavor. Sow seeds directly in fertile soil or start them in individual pots for later transplanting.

Flowers to plant in June

Poached egg plant

The poached egg plant, named for its distinctive white and yellow flowers, is a hardy annual that self-seeds and naturalizes well in gardens.


Nasturtiums are vibrant and easy to grow, making them perfect for filling borders or climbing trellises. They also serve as excellent companion plants for vegetables like French beans, soybeans, and runner beans.


June is the last month to sow coreopsis outdoors. Varieties like ‘Incredible Dwarf Mixed’ offer a cheerful display of flowers and are well-suited for containers.

Night-scented stock

Night-scented stock can be sown now to provide blooms until the first frosts. Regular deadheading encourages continuous flowering.

Candelabra primulas

By June, candelabra primulas typically finish blooming and set seed. This is the ideal time to gather and sow fresh seeds to cultivate more plants for the following year.

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