Makeup mistake ‘pulls your face down’ and can make you look older

Makeup has the power to enhance natural features and even conceal some imperfections and signs of ageing.

But while some makeup techniques can make the wearer appear younger, others tend to correlate to ageing features.

A makeup pro shared one common mistake many people make that can “pull the face down”, causing an ageing effect.

Make-up artist and influencer Kate Hughes spoke to The Sun about how people can reverse age thanks to the right makeup technique.

Among the methods she tends to advise against is doing dark eyebrows, which she said can “pull the face down”, and instead, she recommended leaving the end short rather than too long.

Discussing long eyebrows, she said: “The eyebrows should frame the face, but doing it this way is unflattering.

“It pulls the face down, which gives it an aged appearance.”

The expert added, “Never go too dark with your colour either, as that can make the eyebrow look flat.”

Meanwhile, Victoria Renee, skincare expert and director of research at City Beauty, has claimed that reversing age-related texture takes more than moisture, adding that instead, it is best to focus on hydration.

Victoria said: “Moisture and hydration are often used interchangeably but the difference between them is startling.”

Though there are very few disadvantages to using a good moisturiser in a skincare routine, the beauty expert noted that it can damage dehydrated, mature complexions.

Victoria claimed that using thick lotions on the skin may give the illusion that it is adequately hydrated when in fact, it isn’t.

She explained: “My clients know there’s only one way to effectively erase crepey skin. I’ve been teaching them this method for years.

“Everyone should understand moisture versus hydration. It’s a game-changer for thin, wrinkled skin — and every other sign of ageing for that matter.”

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