Plants to prune now to ‘guarantee growth and beautiful blooms’ – June gardening

Pruning as well as knowing what to plant in June is a crucial gardening job for most months of the year.

Correct pruning is the first step in getting gorgeous blooms and lush colours all summer. 

However, the process can be confusing as cutting the wrong branch or limb could destroy your favourite plant.

To avoid this happening, gardening expert and founder of Go Tree Quotes Ben McInerney has shared three of the plants that must be pruned in June and how to do so.

1. Roses 

Ben claimed that pruning your roses will help “guarantee new growth and beautiful blooms” come summer.

The most significant pruning of the year should be carried out in spring when the plant has started to bud and leaf out.

When it comes to summer, pruning at this time is really confined to deadheading. 

Cut back dead flowers any time during the summer, which will encourage new blooms while maintaining the aesthetics of the bush. 

To prune roses now, start by removing any dead or damaged part of the flower.

Then, cut back around one-third of the length of each stem. This might seem like a lot, but it’s not, claimed the expert.

2. Shrubs 

For those who have shrubs that bloom in the early spring, then it’s best to prune them once their flowers have faded.

These types of shrubs include forsythia, azalea, camellia, rhododendron and Weigela.

Ben said: “All you have to do is cut off any dead or damaged branches, as well as any overgrown or crossing branches.”

3. Perennials 

By pruning, your perennial will start to redirect its growth to that specific area and “focus on creating more blooms”.

To prune perennials, all you have to do is cut the stems right above where there’s a healthy set of leaves.

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