How to make banana bread: Jamie Oliver’s ‘super tasty’ recipe takes 10 minutes to prepare

Now that the weather is getting warmer there is nothing better than spending the day in the garden with a book, cup of tea and a tasty homebaked treat.

Jamie Oliver’s simple banana bread recipe is easy to make as it takes less than 10 minutes to prepare before it is placed in the oven to cook for around 40 to 50 minutes.

It is perfect for anyone having a lazy day and wants to bake or wishes to bring something delicious to their next picnic or barbecue.

Jamie said: “This is a super-tasty treat and a great way to use up overripe bananas – eat this with a nice, hot cup of tea and you’ll be in heaven.

“Banana bread is a great recipe to make with kids, and they’ll enjoy tucking into it, too! ”


Preheat the oven to 180C or Gas Mark 4. Lightly grease the bottom and sides of a loaf tin with a little butter.

Place the butter in a large bowl and beat it with a wooden spoon until it has a creamy texture. Crack the eggs, thoroughly beat them in, and do not worry if the mixture looks a little lumpy as it will come together.

Peel three of the bananas and mash them, then add them to the mixture using a fork to help it become smooth and chunky.

Stir in the honey and apple juice, then use a spatula to fold in the flour and cinnamon, taking care not to overmix.

Spoon the mixture into a loaf tin, then peel and slice the remaining banana and place it on top, then bake the loaf in the oven for 40 to 50 minutes until golden and fully cooked through.

Allow the loaf to cool in the tin slightly for a few minutes, then carefully turn out onto a wire rack to cool completely. Then, transfer to a plate, slice and serve with butter, honey and your favourite jam or chocolate spread.

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