How to whiten silicone sealants and remove mould stains without bleach or vinegar

Mould is the most common reason for silicone sealants to stain and it can be a pain to remove.

Silicone sealants are liquid adhesives that provide a protective, water-resistant seal where sinks, bathtubs, and showers meet a tiled or synthetic wall. 

Unfortunately, not even sealant is safe from the warm, humid conditions in bathrooms that create the perfect environment for mould to grow.

Left unchecked, mould will eventually destroy your bathroom silicone sealant and pose a danger to your health, which means you’ll have to remove and replace it – and that’s time-consuming and costly. 

Fortunately, cleaning silicone sealant is easier than you think with the right know-how.

Elizabeth Shields, the operations manager of Super Cleaning Service Louisville, claims households can get the job done in “10 minutes” with just one item – hydrogen peroxide.

Hydrogen peroxide is capable of killing bacteria, viruses, mould, fungi and more and doesn’t leave toxic residue, unlike bleach. This eliminates the need to rinse surfaces right after using them for cleaning and sanitising. 

Elizabeth said: “Hydrogen peroxide is a powerful disinfectant, mildly bleaches, and has cleaning properties. 

Another household remedy Elizabeth suggested was to use baking soda. She claimed that baking soda’s slight abrasiveness makes it “good at breaking down and lifting dirt, stains, and mould from the silicone without any side effects”. 

She added: “This method is versatile and works for all sorts of silicone sealants, so it’s a great go-to for different bathroom surfaces.”

Create a paste using baking soda and water. Apply to the sealant, and leave for a few minutes. Pay extra attention to those mouldy or stubborn spots.

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