How to store onions: Keep them in specific spot to make them last six months

It may seem like common sense to place all your vegetables, including onions, in the fridge, especially in summer as the weather gets warmer, but it is actually one of the worst places to store them.

Keeping onions in the fridge causes them to be exposed to moisture and cold, which will convert the starch in an onion into sugar resulting in them becoming soft and spoiled. interviewed Sarah Taylor, a food safety expert at High Speed Training, about the best storage practices for various foods.

Regarding onions, she mentioned: “Onions are a staple of many food dishes and are always useful to have in the house.

“For this reason, it’s beneficial to keep them for as long as possible to avoid unnecessary extra purchases.”

As for the best location to store onions, Sarah highlighted: “Onions are best stored in a dry, dark place, such as a cupboard or drawer.”

But there are other locations they can be stored in, she continued: “One option is to store them in a pair of unused tights.

“Simply cut the legs off and add an onion to the foot before tying a knot and adding another onion above this. You can then hang these up in the chosen dry, dark space and simply untie the knot to retrieve an onion.

“Alternatively, if your onions come in a red mesh sack, you can hang this up. Onions kept in the correct conditions can last for months,” she added.

Similarly to onions, garlic should also not be stored in the fridge as the cold temperature can cause it to begin sprouting, resulting in a flavourless and rubbery vegetable.

Instead, Amy Myrdal Miller, a culinary specialist from Fruits and Veggies, has shared that the best place to keep garlic is a dry place in the kitchen such as a cupboard or drawer.

Amy said: “Onions and garlic are also best stored in cool, dark environments, but it’s also important the storage place is also a dry environment.”

According to Amy, onions and garlic are “cured” before being sold in supermarkets which removes moisture from the outer layer so they do not need to be stored in a fridge.

You can keep onions and garlic on your countertop if you would prefer but make sure to keep them away from sunlight as it can cause them to sprout and become tasteless.

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