Keir Starmer vows to resign as Labour leader if he loses general election to Rishi Sunak | Politics | News

Sir Keir Starmer has vowed to quit as Labour leader if he loses the General Election.

Asked by BBC Radio 5 Live if he would resign as Labour leader if he does not win on July 4, he replied: “Yes.”

But the prospect is unlikely with Labour maintaining its double-digit lead in the polls.

The latest survey by YouGov, carried out online from June 24-25 among 2,035 adults in Britain, puts Labour 18 points ahead of the Tories.

The figures are Labour 36%, Conservative 18%, Reform 17%, Liberal Democrats 15%, Green 8%, SNP 3%, Plaid Cymru 1% and other parties 2%.

Another new poll by Redfield & Wilton, carried out online from June 26-27 among 5,000 adults in Britain, gives Labour a 23-point lead over Rishi Sunak’s party.

The figures are Labour 42%, Conservative 19%, Reform 18%, Lib Dems 11%, Green 5%, SNP 3% and other parties 1%.

It comes as there is less than a week to go until the national ballot next Thursday.

But Education Secretary Gillian Keegan this morning insisted there are “so many” undecided voters ahead of polling day.

She told GB News: “I think all of us are out every day knocking on doors, all of us are saying the same thing – I was talking to a colleague yesterday – there are so many voters who are undecided and, of course, what’s happening in the polls is everyone is trying to anticipate what they’ll do, there’s all kinds of algorithms trying to anticipate that, but what we’re doing is going out on the doorstep.

“What is clear is many of these voters have not decided to go for another party. Some have, but not many have, and that’s what we’re finding on the doorstep, so this last week is crucially important, you should never take the voters for granted, none of us ever do.”

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