Fuzz Townshend agrees with Wheeler Dealers’ Mike Brewer on tip for all classic car owners

CAR SOS host Fuzz Townshend and Wheeler Dealers star Mike Brewer have both suggested a simple tip classic car owners should follow in 2024.

Both TV stars have called on historic vehicle collectors to join a dedicated car club ahead of the summer as owners are likely to learn a lot from fellow motorists.

Fuzz explained owners of a particular vehicle should “get amongst” other motorists and learn from their skills before jumping into large projects such as restorations.

Those looking at major overhauls could also benefit from “technical expertise” provided by those who have owned identical cars for decades.

Speaking to Express.co.uk, Fuzz said: “What I would say is join your local car club or the car club that’s appropriate for the type of car you’ve got.”

“Go to the meetings, talk to people, they’ve always got a technical expert there. Rely on their expertise because you might buy something that’s 20 or 30 years old and someone will have been working with them for as long as these cars have existed.

“They will be all knowledge and you can go there and find out what’s going on. That’s what I would advise, get amongst it.

“Get amongst other people that have got them and find out what mistakes people have made before and then try and avoid them.”

Mike has suggested joining car clubs could be valuable even before motorists have purchased the classic car of their dreams.

He warned that in some circumstances, collectors may be able to find a vehicle they have been searching for after joining a club.

Historics owned by club members are likely to be very well preserved with the extra care and attention older vehicles require.

Mike told Express.co.uk: “Fill your library before you fill your garage. Gather as much information as possible you can about the car you’re targeting or interested in.

“That goes as far as joining the owners club of the car you’re interested in.

“If you’re interested in buying the Ford Escort Cosworth, for the sake of buying half a tank of fuel join the owners club first even though you haven’t got a car.

“They will give you the information so you will be armed with information and you are more likely to find the car you are looking for advertised within the club.”

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