I made hot cross bun bread and butter pudding – it tastes delicious

In the run-up to Easter, you’ve likely seen a plethora of different hot cross bun flavours on the supermarket shelves.

From Sainsbury’s lemon and white chocolate hot cross buns to Tesco’s salted caramel and chocolate hot cross buns, there are a plethora of flavours to try.

However, if like me you’ve stockpiled hot cross buns and they’re now looking a little stale, you’re probably wondering what to do with them.

While they taste delicious toasted with lashings of butter, they can turn dry, even after being heated up.

To use up my leftover hot cross buns I decided to make a traditional British dessert with an Easter twist – bread and butter pudding.

Simply swap your bread for hot cross buns for a chocolatey, warming dessert that tastes perfect served with cream.

Rather than traditional hot cross buns, I used Banoffee Hot Cross buns and Village Bakery Nutoka Hot Cross Buns which are both from Aldi.

I also used just four hot cross buns as I didn’t need to serve more than four people. You can halve or double the ingredients depending on how many people you’re planning to make this for.

How to make hot cross bun bread and butter pudding


Six hot cross buns

25g butter

75g dark chocolate chips

Two large egg

250ml milk

One tbsp caster sugar


1. Firstly, heat the oven to gas 3, 170°C, fan 150°C.

2. Next, cut the hot cross buns in half, butter the sides, sprinkle them with chocolate chips and sandwich them together into a baking dish. If you’ve got a small baking dish, you can push them in to make them fit.

3. Beat together the eggs, milk and sugar to create a loose custard. Pour it over the hot cross buns before scattering the chocolate chips over.

4. Bake for around 30 to 35 minutes or until the custard is set.

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