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Pharmacist’s 1p kitchen staple soothes a sore throat

As December looms, many Brits are battling seasonal bugs ranging from mild colds and coughs to full-blown flu. Boots Superintendent Pharmacist Claire Nevinson suggests several remedies to alleviate symptoms of winter illnesses such as flu, common cold and Covid-19, and prevent their spread.

Winter illnesses like flu and common colds typically peak from December to March, with a predicted rise in Covid-19 infections. RSV, a respiratory virus causing coughs and colds, usually begins in October and lasts for about four to five months, peaking in December.

Despite these illnesses’ ability to make people feel unwell, managing their symptoms can be quite similar, according to the pharmacist. Here, she shares her top tips on managing symptoms like a blocked nose, coughing, a sore throat and a fever.

Rest is key

“When you’re sick, your immune system works overtime to fight off the infection. Giving your body time to rest through sleep is one of the most effective ways to recover from a cold. If you are experiencing a runny or blocked nose, a nasal decongestant can help you breathe more freely as you sleep.”, reports Gloucestershire Live.

Stay hydrated

“It’s important to stay hydrated when you have a cold to help support your general wellbeing and to help avoid getting dehydrated. Aim to drink at least 6 to 8 cups a day and don’t forget that decaffeinated hot drinks like tea and coffee count towards your fluid intake. A hot lemon and honey drink can also work to help soothe a sore throat.”

Try some home remedies

“Alongside ibuprofen, paracetamol and cough medicines there are a couple of things you can do at home to look after yourself. I would recommend a hot lemon and honey drink or cold and flu sachets, especially if you’re suffering with a sore throat. Remember it is important not to take two products with the same active ingredient at the same time.”

Gargle salt water to soothe a sore throat – it’s less than 1p a go

“Gargling warm salt water can help ease a sore through by relieving discomfort and inflammation. To make the solution, dissolve half a teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm water. Gargle the liquid for a few seconds and spit it out and be careful not to swallow it. This is not suitable for children.”

Practice good hygiene

“Often, we can share our personal items with others without thinking about it. When you’re unwell, it’s important to avoid sharing items with others to help prevent the risk of spreading infection.

“Remember to cough and sneeze into a tissue and be sure to throw any used tissues into the bin and wash hands regularly for at least 20 seconds, being sure that you have covered the palms, fingers, thumbs, back of the hands and wrists.”

Speak to your pharmacist

“If you are feeling under the weather, remember that your local pharmacy team can be on hand to help. With no appointment needed, pharmacy teams are able to offer advice and recommend appropriate treatments to help relieve symptoms. There are some over-the-counter options like decongestants, cough syrups, or throat lozenges that may help you feel more comfortable throughout recovery.”

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