Young country diary: Spotted! A black squirrel outside my school kitchen | Environment

It was a beautiful morning and as I was walking into school, I smelled our delicious food – apple crumble (my favourite pudding!) – being cooked. There was a chill in the air and the dew on the grass reflected the morning light.

Then I noticed something scampering towards the kitchen – a black squirrel. It was holding something in its claws, probably a nut or a scrap of food from the kitchen. Its tail was twitching and its obsidian eyes were darting around looking for danger. Then it was gone. I was left wondering where it was going next and if it had a home with a family. Perhaps the squirrel was taking apple crumble for his family.

After school, at home in a nearby town, I did some research on black squirrels, as I’ve never seen them here, only in Hitchin and Letchworth. I discovered that they are the same species as grey squirrels, but with a change to their fur colour.

They have been in this county since 1912, and they are thought to have escaped from a menagerie of exotic animals. I thought I saw a black squirrel once when I was on holiday in France, but it was probably a dark coloured red squirrel, as black squirrels are only found in the UK, Canada and the US.

Read today’s other YCD piece, by Betsy, 9: ‘Conkers on the ground, spiders in the boat’
Young Country Diary is published every fourth Saturday of the month. The submission form is currently closed, but it will reopen on Friday 29 November, when we will be asking for winter pieces

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