How to remove stains from oven glass stains fast without vinegar and baking soda

For oven cleaning, many often rely on chemical-filled cleaners, but household alternatives work just as well if you’re using the right ones.

White vinegar and baking soda are typically crowned as the go-to combination for cleaning a variety of different areas around your home, but one place it may not work so well is on oven glass.

Explaining why they don’t work so well, Liam Spencer from Northallerton Glass said: “Sprinkling bicarbonate of soda and warm water on the glass and then scrubbing the door with a rolled up ball of aluminium foil is not likely to remove stubborn, baked-on stains.

“Similarly, using a mixture of bicarbonate of soda and white vinegar also will not work, as these two ingredients will neutralise each other and instead create what is essentially salty sparkling water.”

He added that people “mistakenly assume the fizzing reaction ‘lifts’ away dirt,” but “this is not true”.

According to Liam, there is a “more effective” way to clean this area of your oven – using dishwasher tablets. He said: “At just 30p per tablet, this is an affordable and accessible five- minute solution.”

For this method, start by dipping the dishwasher tablet into warm water, and rub this into the glass oven door.

Once you can no longer feel the tablet catching onto any stains, use warm water and kitchen roll to wipe away residue.

Liam highlighted that the dishwasher tablet my begin to desintergerate while you are using it to scrub the glass, but this “will not affect the cleaning process”.

So what makes this method superior to that for baking soda and vinegar? The expert stated: “They work effectively as they are made from concentrated dishwashing detergent, which is formulated to cut through grease. 

“They also have an abrasive texture, which helps to remove stuck-on, stubborn stains without scratching the glass.”

Dishwasher tablets can also be used to clean the rest of your oven, not just the glass door.

It is vital households are only using pressed powder dishwasher tablets for this cleaning tip and not gel pods.

Once your oven glass is left crystal clear, it will save you so much time and effort if you regularly give it a wipe down.

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