TV presenter Iwan Carrington has shared a genius trick for removing tough stains from fabric. The Sort Your Life Out star revealed how you easily remove paint marks from the likes of fabric sofas with need for harsh chemicals.
Before you head out to the shops, you can search in your cupboards first. Iwan only uses three tools: a knife, nail polish remover, and an old toothbrush. In a clip posted on BBC’s TikTok account, Iwan detailed a simple three-step process for getting rid of paint stains. In the clip, Iwan tackles the stain issue head on.
First he recommends using the edge of a knife at a right angle to help scrape off the top of the paint on the surface.
You can also use a safety pin for this stage as well. Simply scratch the paint until it comes off.
He said: “It’s basically about breaking down that solid surface that you’ve got.”
Next, add a small amount of nail polish remover to a microfibre cloth.
If you’re not sure if the nail polish remover will stain the sofa, test a small spot on the back of the sofa.
Gently dab the nail polish remover into the stain. Nail polish remover contains solvents including acetone.
Acetone can help remove stains by dissolving the paint and other organic substances, allowing them to be wiped away.
Iwan continued: “I’m gonna go in with an old toothbrush, just to get in between these fibres. And just a little bit of nail polish remover.”
Use the toothbrush to scrub into the stain, which should lift it completely, leaving no paint in the fabric.
The video has been viewed over 26,800 times. Amely said: “A clever tip! Who knew we had everything at home already?”
Another wrote: “Ew nail polish remover could do this? Great tip, Iwan!”