Six simple steps to keeping your house plants alive all year round

1. Don’t be tempted to overwater

A common mistake among plant owners is overwatering. ’emlivingherbestlife’ emphasizes that most houseplants prefer a balance in their watering schedule. 

Overwatering can lead to root rot and other issues. It’s crucial to understand the specific water needs of each plant.

2. Research plant preferences

While bright sunlight benefits many plants, not all houseplants thrive under the same conditions. 

The TikToker advises her followers to research each plant’s preferences to ensure they are placed in an optimal environment. 

A quick internet search can provide valuable insights into light, water, and soil requirements of different species.

3. Avoid dry Air

Houseplants generally dislike dry air. She suggests keeping plants away from radiators or fireplaces, which can dry out the air and harm the plants. 

Maintaining a humid environment is key to their health, and using a humidifier or placing a tray of water near the plants can help achieve this.

4. Wipe their leaves

Dust can accumulate on plant leaves, blocking sunlight and hindering photosynthesis. 

The TikToker recommends wiping the leaves down from time to time.

This simple act not only keeps the plants looking vibrant but also ensures they absorb light more efficiently.

5. Prune fearlessly

Pruning is essential for maintaining plant health and encouraging growth. 

The expert advises not to be afraid to trim back overgrown or dead parts of the plant. 

Regular pruning helps keep plants in shape and promotes a fuller, bushier appearance.

6. Inspect for pests

Regularly inspecting plant leaves is crucial for early pest detection and management.

‘Emlivingherbestlife’ stresses the importance of checking leaves frequently for signs of pests like aphids or spider mites.

Early intervention can prevent infestations from spreading and causing significant damage.

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