‘We own 1950s Isettas – they are the perfect bubble cars’

The Bubble Car of the 21st century has arrived! Designed in Switzerland and built in Italy, the environmentally friendly Microlino is the spitting image of the much-loved Isettas of the 1950s and ’60s.

But while the new kid on the block may look like its predecessor, thanks to the eggshaped body and iconic forward-opening front door, its specifications couldn’t be more different.

Able to charge from an ordinary household plug, and travel up to 114 miles in warm weather on a single charge, prices start at around £15,500 for the basic model. Yet many die-hard fans of the original feel nothing can beat their beloved bubble on wheels.

The iconic Isetta – also nicknamed the “Egg on Wheels” – began life when Bresso-based company, ISO, launched a revolutionary two-seater. Production stopped two years later, but licences for the Isetta’s assembly were issued to, among others, BMW, who then sold a licence to a Brightonbased firm.

Priced similar to a motorbike, it soon became, and remains, among the world’s most successful one-cylinder cars. Today there is a thriving Bubble Car community in the UK, which the arrival of the Microlino will almost certainly bolster. Here, we talk to British owners smitten by their bulbous mini-cars.

● For more information about the Isetta owners’ club, visit isetta.org.uk

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