Jamie Oliver’s flourless chocolate cake is perfect for Father’s Day

With Father’s Day just around the corner, many Britons will be rushing around looking for an appropriate present for their loved one.

If you’re fed up with gifting your father the usual aftershave, car magazines and garden tools then why don’t you try and make him a delicious chocolate cake this weekend?

Jamie Oliver’s decadent flourless chocolate cake could be the perfect recipe for this weekend.

The TV chef said of the recipe: “Get your chocolate fix with this super-moreish flourless chocolate cake.”

How to make Jamie Oliver’s flourless chocolate cake


200 g unsalted butter, plus extra for greasing

200 g dark chocolate (70 percent)

One tablespoon strong coffee

Six large free-range eggs

250 g golden caster sugar

70 g cocoa powder, plus extra for dusting


1. Firstly, preheat the oven to 60ºC/320ºF/gas 3 and grease a springform cake tin with butter before lining it with greaseproof paper.

2. Next, put a medium heatproof bowl over a pan of simmering water on a medium to low heat to create a Bain Marie. Add the broken chocolate and the butter before melting until the mixture is smooth and glossy.

3. Take the bowl off the heat and stir in the coffee before putting to one side to cool off.

4. Separate the egg yolks and whites between the two large bowls before whisking in the egg whites for one to two minutes until soft peaks form.

5. Next, add the sugar to the yolks and beat the mixture for around seven minutes or until it’s pale. Add the cocoa powder and salt before folding.

6. Stir in the melted chocolate and gently fold in the egg whites. The mixture should be smooth.

7. Put the mix in the cake tin and place it in the oven for one hour or until a skewer comes out clean.

8. Allow to cool completely before serving. Serve with berries and cream.

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